Bryophytes in the ANBG (Friends members only)

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Sunday, 11 September 2022 - 10:30am to 12:00pm

Chris Cargill is the curator of the cryptogam collections of the Australian National Herbarium which are located at the ANBG, and is also a researcher, bryologist and taxonomist. She studies liverworts, hornworts and mosses, identifying and classifying them and is particularly interested in the liverworts that occur in the drier parts of Australia, as these are not well studied.

Chris will be showing people the bryophytes that occur naturally in the Gardens rather than specially planted, such as many of the flowering plants in the ANBG. She will talk about their diversity, how to distinguish them from other organisms growing in similar habitats such as lichens and she will talk about their function in the environment.

Meet at the Visitor Centre

Places on the walk are limited and only for Friends of the ANBG
Bookings can be made at the following link: