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Report from the 2019 Annual General Meeting

The 31st Annual General Meeting of the Friends of the ANBG was held on Thursday 17 October in the ANBG Theatrette.

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Annual General Meeting 2019

The 31st Annual General Meeting of the Friends of the ANBG will be held on Thursday 17 October 2019 at 5.30 pm in the Theatrette at the Gardens.

Light refreshments will be served from 5pm in the Dickson Room.

Elections will be held for the position of Vice President, Secretary and two ordinary members of Council.

The AGM will be followed by a discussion of the arrangements for the 30th Anniversary of the Friends of the Australian National Botanic Gardens in 2020.

Cover of Friends Library Connect, July 2019

Library Connect, July 2019

The July 2019 edition of Library Connect celebrates NAIDOC Week and includes articles on a series of six books on indigenous knowledge, donated by our colleagues in the Northern Territory Herbarium; an article in Australasian Plant Conservation by Damian Wrigley, National Coordinator of the Australian Seed Bank Partnership; a selection of new books; an e-journal; and a look at the 1995 brochure Aboriginal people of the Canberra area.

Cover of the 'More Than Just a Pretty Plant' book

Botanic Art Group Book available for purchase

A book containing images of many of the artworks exhibited at the recent 2019 Botanic Art Exhibition, is available for purchase for $25.

Details are available here.

Example of an eBulletin

Regular broadcast emails - are you getting yours?

The Friends send out 'News of Coming Events' email newsletters, usually monthly, and occasional notifications of special events. These emails are also available from our web archive. If you're not receiving these emails, and you wish to, you can use our email opt-in form to subscribe.

'Find a Plant' application

The Gardens has launched an exciting new project that has been strongly supported and assisted by the Friends. The Find a Plant application (FAP) will help visitors, staff and researchers to locate specific plants growing in the Gardens. The application will show all plants that are in publicly accessible sections.

Planning a trip to WA in Spring?

Good news for everyone who came to Boronia Halstead’s lunch time talk on Thursday 14th
February and was inspired to plan a trip to the South West Australian Floristic Region.
Boronia’s presentation, which includes a list of sites that will be a great help when planning
your trip, can now be accessed in the ANBG library.

2018 Annual General Meeting report

The Friends 30th AGM was held this year on Thursday 27 September at the ANBG Theatrette.

After the President's and Treasurer's reports, the  Executive Director Dr Judy West presented her report on the Gardens progress and goals.

At the election for Friends Council, Lesley Jackman retired as President after serving two two-year terms, to be succeeded by Max Bourke. Lynden Ayliffe and Alan Henderson were elected as new ordinary members.

David Coutts (former President and Secretary of Friends Council, and Chair of the Project Committee) was awarded Life Membership.

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Friends Annual General Meeting, 27 September 2018

This year’s 2018 AGM will be held on Thursday 27 September at the ANBG, starting with drinks in the Dickson Room from 5pm, with the AGM proper beginning in the Theatrette at 5:30pm. After the formalities, guest speaker Dr Sally Box will tell us about her new job as Threatened Species Commissioner.

This year the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer and three general Council member positions will become vacant. For the Friends to continue, we need to fill these positions. Please consider nominating - contact Lesley Jackman on 0413 766 624 to find out more about what's involved, or to express interest.

ANBG guest in mobility scooter. Photo: Svetlana Manns

Scooting about the Gardens!

The Friends recently upgraded the mobility scooters at the ANBG, replacing those purchased by the Friends in 2005.
