Dr Roger Farrow - 'Plant recovery after 2020 mega-fires'
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Roger, an unretired entomologist previously with the CSIRO, will describe the resilience of flora after the 2020 infernos in the Morton and Tallaganda National Parks.
Much of the above ground vegetation of Morton and Tallaganda National Parks was totally incinerated in the inferno of January 2020. The story of its recovery is a complex one, but confirms that the flora is highly adapted to survive such infernos. Five years on, a complex pattern of succession is already apparent in two different plant communities: heathland in Morton NP, and forest in Tallaganda NP.
Since Roger’s retirement from the CSIRO, he has pursued his interest in insect natural history, publishing an ecological and behavioural guide to the insects of south eastern Australia (CSIRO 2018) and studying insect pollination. This links to his other interest, native plants and their ecology. This has developed through his membership of the Australian Native Plant Society and participation in field trips to identify plants in a range of different habitats.
Bookings open a month before the talk.
Booking Link: https://www.trybooking.com/CXTOX