Growing Friends 2020 Autumn Native Plant Sale

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The Growing Friends’ Autumn Native Plant Sale will be held on Saturday 28 March from 8.30am to 11.00am in the car park between the Banks Building and the Crosbie Morrison Building in the Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG).

The Growing Friends have been busy propagating plants from material sourced within the ANBG.  Banksias are featured this Autumn, in keeping with the planned opening of the new Banksia Garden in the ANBG and to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Gardens.

The Banksias for sale will demonstrate the diversity of foliage, flowers and habit in the species. Within our range of Banksias, the low growing form of Banksia serrata – ‘Pygmy Possum’, the small tree Banksia ericifolia ‘Red Clusters’, the low mounding prostrate Banksia integrifolia and the Banksia spinulosas ‘Honey Pots’ and ‘Stumpy Gold’ are particularly drought tolerant.


Banksia serrata 'Pygmy Possum'                  Banksia integrifolia                Banksia ericifolia 'Red Clusters'     Banksia spinulosa 'Honey Pots'         Banksia spinulosa 'Stumpy Gold'

All photos : Murray Fagg (APII)

In the same family as the Banksias, the Proteaceae Family, are the diverse , hardy, drought tolerant Grevilleas which the Growing Friends have propagated. Standouts this sale are     Grevillea x gaudichaudii and Grevillea ‘Poorinda Royal Mantle’.


                                                                                           Grevillea x gaudichaudii            Grevillea 'Poorinda Royal Mantle'

                                                                                                                Both photos : Murray Fagg (APII)

Drought tolerance and the ability to retard fire are two features many Canberra Region gardeners will appreciate after the long, hot, dry Spring and Summer (not to mention the bushfires) we have experienced. These features can be seen in many of the plants for sale, including  the hardy, attractive Acacia buxifolia, which has masses of golden ball-shaped flowers in Spring.  The saltbush, Rhagodia spinescens, with its’ attractive grey/green foliage is also a fire retardant bush well adapted to hot, dry conditions. Another in this category is Myoporum parvifolium purpurea (Creeping Boobialla), an easy care groundcover which has the added feature of being an erosion controller. Westringia  fruticosa and Westringia glabra ‘Deep Purple’ are others in this category.


           Rhagodia spinescens                  Myoporum parvifolium purpurea              Acacia buxifolia                     Westringia fruticosa                         Westringia glabra 'Deep Purple'

Photos : Murray Fagg (APII)                          Murray Fagg (APII)                        Murray Fagg (APII)                  Murray Fagg (APII)                                      Angus Stewart



For something a little unusual we have Plectranthus argentatus (Silver Spurflower) with its attractive silver foliage.


                                                                                                                Plectranthus argentatus

                                                                                                              Photo : Murray Fagg (APII)

And for a little cheer in the garden, consider Melaleuca thymifolia ‘Little Beauty’- a compact, low growing cultivar which has large mauve flowers in dense clusters across the top of the plant; or Rodanthe anthemoides, the perennial everlasting daisy with grey/green leaves and white daisy flowers which are often pink in bud.


                                                                         Melaleuca thymifolia 'Little Beauty'               Rhodanthe anthemoides 

                                                                                                        Both photos : Murray Fagg (APII)  

A full list of plants available for sale can be obtained from the Friends of the ANBG website approximately 1 week prior to the sale.