Growing Friends Spring Plant Sale 2015

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Included in this year’s autumn plant sale will be a selection of Brachyscome, Calostemma, Correa, Crowea, Leptospermum, Olearia, and Senecio. 

Among the species on offer are the following:



                                                                                                                           Acacia cognata – Fagg M    

Acacia cognata is an attractive wattle with pendulous branches and a beautiful weeping habit. It grows to the size of a large shrub or small tree, 4-6m. The flowers are fluffy yellow and ball-shaped and appear in spring. It prefers dappled shade but will tolerate full sun. It prefers moist, light to heavy soils and needs good drainage. An excellent screen when used as a hedge or a magnificent feature specimen in any garden.



                                                                                                                         Grevillea 'Red Wings' - Fagg M

Grevillea ‘Red Wings’ is a low growing, spreading shrub growing to 1.5m by 2m. Bright red, spidery, flowers appear in spring, attracting birds and bees. It requires full sun and grows in most, well-drained, soil. It is frost hardy and drought tolerant. Plant it for show or for a low hedge or border plant.



                                                                                                                       Dichelachne crinita

Dichelachne crinita, commonly known as the ‘Longhair Plume Grass’, is a tufted perennial plant which can reach 1.5 m high. The upright seed heads that often have a purple tinge flowers are roughly oblong-shaped or cylindrical panicles and appear in spring. It likes full sun to 50% shade and sand or soil derived from sandstone. Very useful for narrow gardens, in borders and rockeries.



                                                                                                                Philotheca ‘Poorinda’ – Fagg M

Philotheca ‘Poorinda’ grows to 1.5m tall and about 0.8m across. The buds are bright pink opening to white with a pale pink tinge where the colour shows through and flowering occurs from spring to summer. This cultivar is both frost and drought hardy. Likes good drainage, mulch, dappled shade and tolerates semi-shade to full sun.