34th Annual General Meeting of the Friends

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Thursday, 20 October 2022 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm

The 34th Annual General Meeting of the Friends will be held in the ANBG Theatrette from 3–5pm, followed by drinks and nibbles in the Foyer and Dickson Room.

Please arrive at 2.45 pm for a 3.00 pm start. Drinks and nibbles will follow in the Foyer and Dickson Room. Masks are preferred in the Theatrette.

Dr Judy West, ANBG Executive Director, will give her farewell address as she is retiring at the end of the month.

The agenda and meeting papers can be downloaded from the following links. Please check these documents,as we will not be providing hard copies to everyone at the meeting to minimise our environmental footprint.

So far nominations have been received from Neville Page (President), Anne Holmes (Treasurer), and Alan Henderson, Christianna Cobbold and Masumi Robertson (Ordinary Members). While no nomination has been received for the position of Secretary and only three received for the four Ordinary Member positions, nominations can be put forward at the meeting.

Apologies can be forwarded to the Secretary at ayliffelynden@gmail.com.

Note:  The following resolution will be put to Friends for approval:

That the Friends of the Australian National Botanic Gardens Inc adopt by Special Resolution the revised draft Constitution dated July 2022.

Provisional Agenda

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Apologies
  3. Acceptance of minutes of 33rd AGM held on 29 October 2021
  4. President’s Report – Neville Page
  5. Treasurer’s Report – Anne Holmes
  6. Report by Executive Director of ANBG – Dr Judy West
  7. Constitutional changes – see note above
  8. Election of Officer-bearers and Council members (for 2 years in each case)
  9. Appointment of Auditor 2022-2023
  10. Award of Life Membership
  11. Any other business.