25th Anniversary
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We celebrated our 25 Anniversary on 1 October 2016. On a wonderful springtime evening 100 or so members gathered at the Gardens with special guests Lady Cosgrove (Friends Patron), Marlena Jeffery (Vice Patron), Sally Barnes (Director of National Parks) and Judy West (Executive Director of the Gardens).
A main theme of the evening was the very many ways the Friends have helped the Gardens, particularly through financial support. Many members went on a late afternoon tour with volunteer guides to view some of the Friends' projects including the Cascades, Ellis Rowan Garden, Crosbie Morrison Amphitheatre Shelter and Asteraceae Garden. At sunset we gathered on the terrace outside the Visitor Centre for drinks and nibbles. The formal proceedings ended with Lady Cosgrove cutting the Anniversary Cake. Before that, Friends' Vice President Jan Finley (filling-in for President Lesley Jackman who was ill) reminded us of how the Friends was established and Judy West thanked the Friends for all their contributions. Lady Cosgrove congratulated us on what we have achieved and encouraged us to continue. Marlena Jeffery, on our behalf, thanked Lady Cosgrove.
The official party boarded the Flora Explorer (a Friends donation) for a tour to the Red Centre Garden, sparklingly illuminated by the lighting system recently donated by the Friends. And returned via the Rainforest Gully, shrouded in mist thanks to another Friends' donation. Many of us made our way around the same route, lingering for a time in the music-enriched rainforest.
Judy West and Jan Finley Marlena Jeffery and Jan Finley
By Flora Explorer to the ..... .... illuminated Red Centre Garden
(Photos: Alan Munns)