Breakfast with the Birds 2016 season
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We had a marvellous time with this year’s season of Breakfast with the Birds despite the threatening weather. Our Tawny frogmouth on the nest disappeared when a huge limb fell off the tree but otherwise the birds were cooperative, sharing nesting activities and feeding their young for our enjoyment. The magpies had added plant name tags to their already blue tape decorated nests in the apartment tree outside the Crosby Morrison building. There were lots of honeyeaters – breakfasting on the nectar in the grevilleas along the main path and the spotted pardalote was once more in the tunnel, allowing us to share his jewel-like colours up close. A discordant note was struck by a Goshawk making life hard for the Wood ducks and their ducklings on the café lawn although it was interesting to see the way the parents protected the young against predation.
It was lovely being in the Gardens early in the morning. There was an adult bower bird hanging around the café with a juvenile male who displayed from time to time in the shrubs near the pond.
Many participants were bowled over by the flowers as well.
Details of the next season of Breakfast with the Birds will be on this website in August 2017.