Parkcare Display at Jamison Centre
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Parkcare Friends in Belconnen suburbs of Canberra will showcase the beauty and diversity of the bush in the Bush Capital from 4 to 6 September 2015. The annual display involves seven volunteer groups. The display may be viewed from 9.00am to 4.30pm each of the three days, Friday to Sunday, in Jamison Plaza shopping centre. You will see photos of the beautiful valley selected for the nation's capital, cryptic wildflowers, eucalypt forest, box-gum woodlands and endangered grasslands. Our enthusiastic volunteers will provide brochures, field guides, guided walks and interpretive signs to uncover bushland secrets.The Indian Myna trap is always a draw-card.
Groups involved include Friends of Aranda Bushland, of Black Mountain, of Bruce Ridge, of Mount Painter, of The Pinnacle, of Grasslands and Canberra Indian Myna Action Group.
The Parkcare groups and display are supported by Jamison Plaza management and ACT Parks & Conservation Service.
This is not a Friends of the ANBG event. Information is provided for the interest of our members.