Thursday Talks Resume for 2017
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The Thursday Talks Program for 2017 resumed on 2 February with a talk by Tim Fischer AC. Tim Fischer, former Deputy Prime Minister and Ambassador to the Holy See, is currently the Vice-Chair, Global Crop Diversity Trust (GCDT) for the Svalbard Seed Vault, Norway. The talk was entitled Collecting Vital Seeds: from the Gallipoli Oaks collected by John Monash to the Crop Trust and Svalbard Vault today, collecting seeds matters more than ever! Tim outlined the role and function of the Svalbard seed vault, describing it as the universal back-stop banker to preserve plant diversity in the world.
Tim also spoke about Australia's World War I commander, General Sir John Monash. At the end of the talk Tim signed copies of his best-selling book Maestro John Monash: Australia’s greatest Citizen General.
The Thursday Talk series continues until the end of November. Talks over the coming months will touch on: camels, cuckoos, butterflies, orchids, lizards, and of course will feature a number of fascinating and enthusiastic speakers. All Thursday Talks are listed in the Calendar pages of this website. They are held from 12.30 to 1.30 in the Gardens' Theatrette.
Thursday Talk at the Gardens with Tim Fischer, 2 February 2017
Tim Fischer in the Svalbard Seed Vault