12th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference (APCC12)
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“Moving house – a new age for plant translocation and restoration”
12 to 16 November 2018, Canberra
The Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research (CANBR) at CSIRO, and the Australian Network for Plant Conservation (ANPC) will host a week of exciting presentations, local field trips and a 1-day threatened plant translocation workshop. Twelve flagship threatened plants from the ACT region are being featured as part of the conference.
Conference Themes
• Moving house – lessons from the past – who’s done what where and what do we now know?
• Moving house – what’s new?
• Policy and politics of moving plants.
• Crossing over – what can we learn from moving organisms other than plants?
• Effective partnerships – who, why and how? What works and what doesn’t?
• Do you need a safe deposit box? The importance of ex-situ conservation in translocation.
The biennial Australasian Plant Conservation Conference has become the premier event in Australia to discuss plant conservation issues with a variety of groups, from practitioners to researchers.
Call for Abstracts opens 2 May 2018, and Early Bird registrations open 21 May 2018.
ANPC members and students will receive discounts on the conference registration fees.
Find out more about APCC12 at https://anpc.asn.au/conferences/2018.