2018 Annual General Meeting report
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The Friends 30th AGM was held this year on Thursday 27 September at the ANBG Theatrette.
After the President's and Treasurer's reports, the Executive Director Dr Judy West presented her report on the Gardens progress and goals.
At the election for Friends Council:
- Lesley Jackman retired as President after serving two two-year terms, to be succeeded by Max Bourke;
- There was no nomination for Vice-President, and the position is still vacant;
- Helen Elliot was re-elected as Treasurer;
- Jonette McDonnell and Christianna Cobbold retired as ordinary members;
- Lynden Ayliffe and Alan Henderson were elected as new ordinary members, and David More was re-elected for another term.
David Coutts (President 2011-2015, Secretary 2007-2011 and again 2016-2018, and Chair of the Project Committee) was awarded Life Membership.
Lesley Jackman with David Coutts. Photo: Brian Moir
After the formalities, our guest speaker Dr Sally Box described her role as Threatened Species Commissioner, and outlined the range of programs aimed at countering the many threats to Australian native flora and fauna.
Judy West with Lesley Jackman. Photo: Brian Moir