Boronia Halstead 'South Western Australia Flora: What a Hotspot’

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Thursday, 14 February 2019 - 12:30pm

Boronia would like to spark our curiosity about the extraordinary diversity of plants growing in south-west Western Australia, the area being the first Global Biodiversity Hotspot to be recognised by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.


Boronia would like to spark your curiosity about the alchemy that nature uses to create the extraordinary diversity of species of plants growing in south-west Western Australia on some of the poorest and most ancient soils on the planet.  The amazing place ranks alongside others with much greater global recognition on our planet, such as our Great Barrier Reef, but most Australians have no idea what a treasure we have, how much we have lost, and what we need to do to save what is left.  The south-west was the first Global Biodiversity Hotspot to be recognised by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.


Boronia is a Friend of the ANBG and Guide, after a career in the Public Service.  She has visited the south-west of Western Australia a number of times over the past year or so, and become fascinated by the range of adaptations plants have made over the millennia in this special place.