ANBG Friends Photographic Group - June Meeting

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Friday, 28 June 2019 - 10:30am to 12:30pm

The June meeting of the ANBG Friends Photographic Group will be held on Friday 28th of June, in the Theatrette, from 10:30 to 12:30.

“Composition for Macro” 

Presenter: Brad Nichol

 Brad Nichol has been involved in professional photography since he was 16 years old and, in that time, has had 3 photography- based businesses. The current one is Zero One Imaging, which concentrates on teaching people the joys and skills of digital photography and related skills.

His guiding theme always remains the same, “make the complex simple” and this permeates all his classes and presentations, he is a firm believer that almost anyone can learn anything if it's appropriately presented.

He is often at pains to impress upon photographers that the real solution to most photographic challenges is not to spend more money on gear but rather to concentrate on knowledge, technique and the control of light and composition.  

He runs workshops though-out the Southern NSW and ACT area., In Canberra he is best known for extensive array of workshops he runs at CIT and estimates that over the past 20 years he has taught in excess of 20,000 individuals. Brad has had various photography articles published internationally and is well known as being able to create articles that convey complex photographic knowledge in a digestible form.

Even after teaching photography for the best part of 40 yrs, Brad still derives great satisfaction from seeing beginning photographers develop their skills and confidence in the area and remains passionate about teaching.'

“The best camera is the one you have with you when a photo opportunity arises.”