Library Connect, December 2019 edition
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Library Connect December 2019
The December 2019 edition of Library Connect (PDF, 486KB) includes:
- an article on the new book by the Painting with Parkinsons group Magic Happens: The Story of Painting with Parkinsons,
- an update on Library opening hours over Christmas,
- New books:
- The Secrets of New Botanists: and what they teach us about Gardening / Matthew Biggs
- Gardening through the Year in Australia / Ian Spence
- Deep Time Dreaming: uncovering ancient Australia / Billy Griffiths
- The Enchantment of the Long-haired Rat / Tim Bonyhady
- A History of Gardening in 50 Objects / George Drower
- The Kew Tropical Plant Families Identification Handbook / Timothy Utteridge & Gemma Bramley
- Great Australian Gardens: Volume 2 / Australian House & Garden
- Vegetation Description and Data Analysis: a practical approach / Martin Kent
- The featured e-journal Conservation Letters and
- From the ANBG Archive, an ANBG Christmas Card c.1996.