Butterflies in the ANBG (sold out)

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Sunday, 14 February 2021 - 10:30am to Monday, 15 February 2021 - 11:45am

This walk is sold out, sorry!

Meet: Visitor Centre, ANBG

Time:  10:30 am to 12 noon

Bring: Binoculars if you wish. Water and any snacks you might need

Wear:  Walking shoes and hat 

In late summer/early autumn butterflies abound in the ANBG. Join our local expert, Suzi Bond, in observing these elusive creatures in the Gardens. Spot Imperial Jezebels, Australian Painted Ladies and Common Brown Butterflies as well as discover the plants they prefer.

Copies of the "Field Guide to the Butterflies of the Australian Capital Territory" by Suzi Bond with Steve Holliday and John Stein are available for sale at the Botanical Bookshop.

COVID-19: This event for Friends is being conducted in line with COVID-19 Guidelines. All attendees are asked to use hand sanitiser and maintain social distancing. Coronavirus outbreaks and isolation requirements are subject to change at short notice.

Please ensure that: 

  • You have not been in a hotspot or prohibited area.
  • If you become unwell, please stay at home and let us know on 0421 131 898 or 0437 298 711.