ANBG Library reopening to Friends and ANBG Volunteers
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The ANBG Library will reopen to external users, including the Friends of the ANBG and ANBG Volunteers, on Wednesday 31 March 2021 in line with Government COVID-19 directives for public service staff and facilities and libraries.
The safety and health of all ANBG staff and library clients is the guiding principle of the reopening plan. All visitors to the Library need to abide by the COVID Safety Plan (Word docx, 23.6KB), noting in particular the need to limit visits and to observe the maximum capacity of the space.
Janine Chandler will continue as interim ANBG Librarian until 30 June 2021, while Jane Black is engaged in projects to improve knowledge services across the Department. Jane and contract staff members may at times be in the Library to work on these projects, but Janine is the contact point for ANBG Library services. Janine's standard workdays are Wednesday to Friday. Self-service browsing and loans are available to those who are already registered borrowers on Monday and Tuesday.
Please pass onto to Friends and Volunteers and get in touch if you have any questions via or (02) 6250 9480.