Dr John Grimshaw ‘New Trees: Recent Introductions to Cultivation’
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Thursday, 22 November 2012 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Visiting UK botanist Dr John Grimshaw will discuss new trees – recent introductions to cultivation, the subject of a 2009 book, of which he was principal author, on trees introduced in the past 35 years. The book was sponsored by the International Dendrology Society and published by the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. Canberran Dr Roger Farrow contributed some photographs of eucalypts to this book.
John has been interested in plants all his life, as both gardener and botanist. He holds a first-class degree in botany and doctorate in African forest ecology from Oxford University. African plants remain his principal botanical interest. He is, however, fascinated by all plants and will attempt to grow anything in the garden. The origins of garden plants are a particular fascination and he has travelled widely to see plants growing in habitat. His first book was The Gardener’s Atlas (1998) recounting the journeys plants have made from their source to our gardens.
Having also worked commercially, John managed the historic Elwes family garden at Colesbourne Park in Gloucestershire from 2003-2012; he is currently Director of the Castle Howard Arboretum Trust in Yorkshire. John is also a member of the Royal Horticultural Society’s Advisory Committee on Nomenclature and Taxonomy, and Woody Plant Committee.