Annual General Meeting 25 September 2012
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The 24th AGM of the Friends was held in the Gardens Theatrette on 25 September. The President gave a report summarising the achievements over the past year and looking to some exciting initiatives during 2012/13. In particular the report highlights the Friends activities for the Canberra centenary, including the gift of a major artwork for the Red Centre garden meeting place and a Bush Capital celebration in November 2013, for which a Centenary grant of $15000 has been awarded by the ACT Government.
The Treasurer's Report and audited financial statements for the Friends and the Friends Public Fund were presented by the Treasurer Marion Jones. They show that the Friends ended the financial year with accumulated funds of $351,868 and the Public Fund with accumulated funds of $52,151.
The Executive Director of the Gardens, Dr Judy West, gave a report which also highlighted what the Friends have done for the Gardens over the past year and what can be expected during 2012/13.
The election of members of Council was held and the following people were elected for two year terms
President David Coutts
Vice-President Barbara Podger
Secretary John Connolly
Councillors Glenys Bishop
Anne Campbell
Lesley Jackman
Warwick Wright
Treasurer Marion Jones and Council Member Dennis Ayliffe continue on Council, having been elected at the 2011 AGM for 2 year terms.
After the meeting closed, members heard an excellent presentation by Malcolm Thompson, Deputy Secretary of the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Population, Water and the Community (SEWPaC). Malcolm’s presentation touched on sustainability and how that relates to the Murray Darling basin and the Gardens.
To conclude the meeting the Friends Patron, His Excellency Michael Bryce, AM, AE, thanked Malcolm Thompson and then presented a botanical artwork to the Director of the Gardens. This artwork was the theme painting at the 5th Botanic Art Exhibition in 2012. It is of Grevillea rhyolitica ‘Deua’ by Marjorie Roche, who was present for the award. The painting will hang in the Dickson Room and it is hoped it is the first of a series of such purchases by the Friends.