Library Connect, June 2022
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Thu, 16/06/2022 - 3:15pm — botanicus
This month’s Library Connect (PDF, 808 KB) has the usual listing of new books, and a reminder to return all completed field notebooks.
The new books are:
- Bush remedies / Cheryll Williams (foreword by Brendan Lepschi).
- Flowering plants of Lower Eyre Peninsula: an illustrated tour of the native flora / Brian Saunders.
- The multifarious Mr. Banks: from Botany Bay to Kew, the natural historian who shaped the world / Toby Musgrave.
- Ecology: from individuals to ecosystems / Michael Begon, Colin R. Townsend.
- Native Trees of the NSW South Coast: Berry - Kangaroo Valley - Nowra - Ulladulla - Batemans Bay / Kevin Mills, Jacqueline Jakeman.
- Rewilding: the radical new science of ecological recovery / Paul Jepson & Cain Blythe.
- Presenting science concisely / Bruce Kirchoff & Jon Wagner, Illustrator.
- Eucalypts of the Granite Belt: (including Angophora and Corymbia species) / Stanthorpe Rare Wildflower Consortium.