Wattle Walk - Which Wattles will we see? Early, Silver, Ploughshare, more?

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Saturday, 10 September 2022 - 9:30am to 12:00pm
Acacia buxifolia (Box Leaf Wattle) by Andy Russell
Acacia buxifolia (Box Leaf Wattle) by Andy Russell

Let’s celebrate green and gold by enjoying a ramble and learning more about the different Acacia (Wattles) on Black Mountain after wetter years with local plant ecologist, Dr Michael Doherty.. Michael has done research about Acacia and other native plants and how they cope with fire and drought. Maybe the weather we have had in recent years is part of that?

The floral emblem for Australia is Acacia pycnantha (Golden Wattle). It does not grow in Black Mountain Nature Reserve, but several other acacia species make September a great wattle month for us.

The ramble will be on rough uneven ground with some steep sections.

Some relevant booklets will be for sale at the event, too.

Meet: Frith Road, Acton. Near the electricity sub-station. Look for banner(s).
Bring: Friends and family. Water. Snacks if you wish. 
Gold coin donation

Booking is essential: If you are planning to come, please provide your name and phone number to friendsofblackmountain@gmail.com, or phone Linda (0437 298 711) or Libby (6296 1936). It helps us to let you know if arrangements need to change unexpectedly (e.g. adverse weather).

Linda Beveridge
Friends of Black Mountain