Honorary Professor Penny Olsen ‘Feather and Brush’
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Penny, from the ANU, will briefly trace the 300-year history of Australian bird art — from the crude engravings illustrating accounts of the earliest European voyages of discovery to the diversity of artwork available today.
Penny is happy to sign copies of the book after the talk.
In Feather and Brush, Penny combines two of her longstanding passions: birds and art. The book developed from her belief that Australia has a fascinating ornithological history, which is incomplete without recognition of the contributions of artists and illustrators, which continues today. Her talk will briefly trace the 300-year history of Australian bird art — from the crude engravings illustrating accounts of the earliest European voyages of discovery to the diversity of artwork available today
Dr Penny Olsen is an Honorary Professor in the Division of Ecology and Evolution in the Research School of Biology, at The Australian National University. After a career as a field biologist and ecological consultant, she has is now mostly occupied writing books about Australian natural history and its recorders, both artistic and scientific. Feather and Brush: A History of Australian Bird Art (CSIRO, 2022) is her most recent book.
The Booking Link is: https://www.trybooking.com/CELUI
Lunchtime talks are held at 12.30 pm every Thursday from February to November. Talks last for 1 hour. We welcome a gold coins donation. The Friends use donations received at each talk to support Gardens’ programs and development and thank all those who have donated. Please note: unless otherwise indicated, talks are in the ANBG Theatrette.
It is a good idea to reserve a seat at the talks you wish to attend; some talks book out very quickly. Bookings can be made from the Friday before the talk until Wednesday night before the talk or until seating limits are reached.
The Booking Link is: https://www.trybooking.com/CELUI
The Friends of the ANBG thank the speakers who volunteer their time and talents to further the knowledge of all attending events in the Gardens. Some summaries or PowerPoint presentations of Thursday talks are available to Friends at the ANBG library. Please direct queries about the talks to the Thursday Talks Team: email talks@friendsanbg.org.au
The talks are in line with COVID-19 guidelines which can change rapidly.