Library Connect, March 2023

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This month’s Library Connect has the usual listing of new books and links to a couple of recent articles on ecological fire management.  The library is staffed Mon - Fri 9.30 - 4.30.  Alex can be contacted by email or phone (02 6250 9480) if you need assistance.

The “click and collect” boxes in the Visitor Centre are still available for returning items, and Alex is very happy to leave items there for collection if that’s easier than visiting the library.

For your interest

Functional Ecology
First published: 20 March 2023
Mechanisms by which growth and succession limit the impact of fire in a south-western Australian forested ecosystem.
Philip Zylstra, Grant Wardell-Johnson, Daniel Falster, Melissa Howe, Nathan McQuoid, Simon Neville

Austral Ecology
April 2023, Vol 48(2) 476-7
Kangaroo grass is a keystone species for ecological fire management.
Paul Williams, David Kington, Eleanor Collins, Penny Watson

New Books this Month

  • Australia's megafires : biodiversity impacts and lessons from 2019-2020 / editors: Libby Rumpff, Sarah M. Legge, Stephen van Leeuwen, Brendan A. Wintle and John C. Z. Woinarski.
  • Underground lovers : encounters with fungi / Alison Pouliot.
  • Mistletoes of Western Australia / Tony Start and Kevin Thiele.
  • Karl, get out of the garden! : Carolus Linnaeus and the naming of everything / Anita Sanchez ; illustrated by Catherine Stock.
  • Botany for gardeners : an introduction to the science of plants / written and illustrated by Brian Capon.
  • A practical guide for genetic management of fragmented animal and plant populations / Richard Frankham et al.
  • The Wehl family of South Australia and their botanical connections with "Dear Uncle" Baron Ferdinand von Mueller / John Leslie Dowe, Tom W. May, Sara Maroske & Lucy Therese Smith.
  • Pollination : how does my garden grow? / written by Christopher Cheng ; illustrated by Danny Snell.
  • The Bryological times : special issue of women in bryology / prepared by Yarency Rodriguez, D. Christine Cargill, Josephine Milne, Chrissy Christian & Mereia Tabua.
  • An annotated catalogue of the lichens of Kangaroo Island, South Australia / Gintaras Kantvilas.