Growing Friends Autumn 2024 Native Plant Sale
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As usual the Sale will be held in the Banksia Centre Car Park but will start slightly later at 9.00am finishing at 11:30 unless sold out earlier. With around 1400 plants, over a hundred species and cultivars, there’s a plant for every spot in the garden or on a balcony. The selection includes some uncommon plants like Homoranthus biflorus with its interesting tiered shape, and lots of other more familiar plants.
As well as grasses, there are groundcovers such as Banksia serrata ‘Pygmy Possum’ with furry creamy-yellow flowers over many months and old favourites like Correa ‘Dusky Bells’. And of course perennial herbs such as the cheery little Brachyscomes with white or bluish-purple flowers.
There are many medium to tall shrubs to choose – like Callistemon viminalis ‘Wild River’ with stunning red brushes, Leptospermum ‘Copper Crest’ with bronze-green aromatic foliage which is great for screening or the graceful weeping Acacia cognata.
Those looking for local plants won’t be disappointed with lots to tempt them. For instance, Olearia phlogopappa (Alpine Daisy Bush), the lovely magenta flowering Pelargonium rodneyanum, Wahlenbergia gloriosa (ACT Floral Emblem) and cream or yellow flowered Xerochrysum bracteatum (see photo).
The full list of plants, and their descriptions, is available HERE.
Plants are only $6 a pot and are propagated by the Growing Friends from cuttings or seeds sourced within the ANBG with the support of ANBG staff. All proceeds from the sale go to the Friends to support the Gardens. Sales are by card only.
Prospective buyers are encouraged to socially distance and bring their own carry bags and boxes.