Plant Science Talk
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The next Plant Science talk will be on Monday 9th September, 10.30am in the Theatrette.
Presenter: Tasha James (PhD student, Institute of Applied Ecology, University of Canberra)
Title: Endemics on the Edge - a case study at Mt. Imlay, NSW.
Synopsis: This talk summarises the work Tasha will be undertaking in her PhD to investigate the distribution and management of three critically endangered endemic species in a threatened island population. The focal species are Hibbertia circinata, Boronia imlayensis, and Eucalyptus imlayensis. Populations of these species only occur on the summit of Mt Imlay and are under threat from disease and climate change. All flora on Mt Imlay were entirely burnt in the 2019 fires, meaning populations are currently recovering but vulnerable to further threats and already showing signs of dieback. Conserving these endangered species will involve in situ and ex situ efforts and monitoring. Tasha's PhD builds research into these species and their environment, and her talk will present current findings, insights and research plans.
IMPORTANT: Friends who are not registered with the Plant Science Group should email to be added to the mailing list and register for this event.