Centenary Chat. Dr Judy West - ‘The Science Behind Your Gardens’
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This talk will explore the scientific role of the ANBG and show how research has influenced its development over the past 40 years. From the initial concept of a science-based botanic garden, nestled among natural bushland and on a hillside juxtaposed with ANU and CSIRO, the ANBG has fulfilled its early goals to grow, study and promote Australian plants. The plant collections on display at the Gardens provide a key asset and represent several endangered ecological communities of the Canberra region. Through horticultural and taxonomy research, advanced botanical information management and conservation activities – and now incorporating seed banking and seed science – the ANBG pursues its challenging mission to inspire, inform and connect people to Australian flora.
Since 2009 Judy has been Executive Director of the ANBG and head of Parks and Biodiversity Science within the then Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts. She has also been Director of the Australian National Herbarium since 1989.