Lesley Pattinson ‘Fetherston Gardens – a project in restoration, regeneration and renewal’

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Thursday, 28 August 2014 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Fetherston Gardens is located within the grounds of the old Weston CIT School of Horticulture which was established from 1973 and named after the Head of Horticulture, Tony Fetherston.  The extensive woodland gardens and Arboretum have had a reprieve from a housing development in north Weston and are now being restored and maintained by a community volunteer group, the Fetherston Gardens Friends, formed in 2010. Fetherston Gardens are a unique garden space where people and plants can thrive.

Lesley Pattinson is Fetherston Gardens’ working bee coordinator. She studied horticulture at Weston campus and has worked in the horticulture industry, resumed teaching at the CIT Weston and now at CIT Bruce, the new Department of Horticulture and Forestry.  She works with students with a disability and actively volunteers in Fetherston Gardens, establishing partnerships and community projects.