Growing Friends Plant Sale - 25th March 2017

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The Growing Friends autumn sale will be held on Saturday 25 March, 8.30am to 11.00am unless sold out earlier, in the small carpark behind the Crosbie Morrison building. A plant list will be available a week prior to the sale. Included in this year’s autumn plant sale is a selection of plants from groundcovers, to small and medium shrubs, to medium and large trees. There will be the old favourites  - Acacia, Banksia, Correa, and Crowea as well as the more unusual Hypocalymma angustifolium, Indigofera adesmiifolia, and Teucrium racemosum. For those with large gardens, Syzygium australe (lilly pilly) may be suitable.

More information about these more unusual plants can be found here

A full list of all the plants for sale can be found here