Black Mountain Summit Walk #2

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Sunday, 30 July 2017 - 9:30am to Monday, 31 July 2017 - 11:45am

This is one of 2 walks to celebrate the declaration of the Black Mountain Nature Reserve in 1970 and the creation of the summit walk in 2000.

Walk 2: Walk downhill from the summit to the ANBG

Walk down the Summit Walk with local ecologist, Michael Doherty, and an ANBG Guide. We shall see Acacia near the apex and the Zieria plants near the Visitor Centre, ANBG, and winter flowering plants.                                                

Meet at the Lookout near the Telstra Tower (look for the balloons). If you do not wish to walk back uphill to the Summit, ask a friend to meet you at the Visitor Centre, ANBG.

The Summit Walk has steep sections, so it is suitable for fit walkers only (including children over the age of 12).

Cost   Gold coin donation      

Bookings essential   Places are limited, please email your name and phone number to, or phone Linda (0437 298 711) so that you can be contacted in case arrangements need to change (e.g. adverse weather).

Bring  Friends, water, snacks.                           

Wear sturdy shoes, hat, and sun cream.

Walk 1 is on Sunday 23 July 2017.

The celebratory walks are arranged by the Friends of the ANBG and the Friends of Black Mountain.