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Frances McMahon, Watercolour Bird Artist - greeting cards available

Many members of the Friends will remember the wonderful watercolours of Canberra birds painted by Frances McMahon for the Birds of the Australian National Botanic Gardens brochure produced by the Friends. Frances tells us that she now has lots of beautiful (blank) greeting cards available, hot off the press.

Artwork by Frances McMahon

Botanical ceramic exhibition

Members of the Friends are invited to view an exhibition by Cathy Franzi, a member of the Friends.  The exhibition is of ceramics carved and decorated with Australian plants based on the plan of Walter and Marion Mahony Griffin to revegetate the hills of Canberra in single coloured plantings.

Botanic ceramics by Cathy Franzi

Eucalypt Lawn Succession Planning

The Eucalypt working group, headed up by Murray Fagg, is working with artist Pamillle Berg to develop a succession plan for the Eucalypt lawn.

The concept sketch shows the proposed changes. Some additional species will be planted but it is accepted that it is essential to keep plenty of space for activities. Views from the Eucalypt Lawn to the Red Centre Garden and the city will be retained.

Photographic Exhibition - 'Natural Views'

This is not a Friends’ activity, but is included here for the interest of members. Fanny Karouta-Manasse is an active member of the Friends Photographic Group. Her photographic exhibition, ‘Natural Views’, will be held in the Kaori Gallery from Monday the 11th of November at 9am to Saturday the 7th of December at 1pm.

Bush Capital Celebration

03/11/2013 - 10:00am to 04/11/2013 - 3:45pm

Bush Capital Celebration

02/11/2013 - 10:00am to 03/11/2013 - 3:45pm

Growing Friends Plant Sale

09/11/2013 - 8:30am to 10/11/2013 - 10:45am

Breakfast with the Birds

13/10/2013 - 7:45am to 14/10/2013 - 9:45am


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