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Black Mountain Weeding Work Party Saturday, 2 December 2023 - 8:30am to 11:30am

The next weeding work party plans to remove WA Bluebell and various woody weeds.  Meet at the Electricity Sub-station, Frith Road, Acton.  Bring your friends.  Wear hat, sunscreen, long-sleeved shirt, long pants, gloves, stout shoes.  Please book: if you are planning to come, please let us know by booking using this booking link:

Dr Roger Farrow ‘Evolution of pollinations traits in flowering plants’ Thursday, 30 November 2023 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Roger, an unretired entomologist following a career in CSIRO Entomology, will show more mysteries of flower design and function to achieve cross pollination by insect vectors. Bookings open 27th October until the night before the talk or until seating limits are reached. (Tickets are Free but a donation on entry is appreciated.) This talk will be held in the ANBG Theatrette. Booking link:

Volunteer Recognition Ceremony 2024 Tuesday, 28 November 2023 - 10:00am

The ANBG 2024 Volunteer Recognition Ceremony will take place at 10am on Tuesday 28 November 2023 on the Crosbie Morrison Lawn. Click on this Eventbrite link to RSVP by Monday 20 November.

Dr Ralph Ogden, ‘Lessons learned for solving the ACT’s water quality problems’ Thursday, 23 November 2023 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

The Healthy Waterways program has been running since 2014 with an aim to improve water quality in the ACT’s waterways. It is best known for building ponds, wetlands, raingardens and other ‘nature-based’ and ‘water sensitive’ infrastructure that treats polluted stormwater in suburbs. This seminar will outline lessons learned and provide pointers to how the ACT Government hopes to tackle problems like blue-green algal blooms in lakes and ponds and sand slugs in rural rivers.  Bookings can be made from Friday the 20th October until the night before the talk or until seating limits are reached. (Tickets are Free but a donation on entry is appreciated.) This talk will be held in the ANBG Theatrette.  Booking link:

PhotoGroup exhibition - illuminate '23 Thursday, 23 November 2023 - 9:30am to Sunday, 10 December 2023 - 4:30pm

illuminate '23, the 10th annual exhibition of the Friends of the ANBG Photographic Group, will be held at the ANBG Visitor Centre gallery.

‘Illuminate’ has two meanings: one is about physical light, and the other is about intellectual or spiritual enlightenment.

The exhibition features a range of photographs taken within the Gardens, inviting others to discover, appreciate and value Australia’s unique flora and fauna. All photographs exhibited are for sale as well as unframed prints, cards, and specialty calendars by individual members.

Margaret Saul ‘Botanical Art & Illustration: Convergence of Art and Science’ Thursday, 16 November 2023 - 12:30pm

Join Margaret Saul, a distinguished botanical artist, illustrator, and instructor, to experience a visual feast of botanical art arising from the exploratory voyages of Australia through to the masterful works by her and her contemporaries. Bookings open 13th October until the night before the talk or until seating limits are reached. (Tickets are Free but a donation on entry is appreciated.) This talk will be held in the ANBG Theatrette. Booking link:

Emeritus Professor Libby Robin ‘What Birdo is that? Birds and the humans who love them’ Thursday, 9 November 2023 - 12:30pm

Birds and their people can be funny, intriguing and surprising. Libby will tell some of the back-stories from across centuries. It builds to a crescendo in the 21st century where global warming and biodiversity loss have become existential threats to life on Earth. Libby is happy to sign copies of her new book after the talk. Bookings open 6th October until the night before the talk or until seating limits are reached. (Tickets are Free but a donation on entry is appreciated.) This talk will be held in the ANBG Theatrette. Booking link:

Friends of Black Mountain - weeding work party Saturday, 4 November 2023 - 8:30am to 11:30am

We plan to remove woody weeds and St Johns Wort.

We shall break for delicious morning tea at about 10:30am. Bring more of your friends –  everyone is welcome!

Meet: Caswell Drive entry on the mountain side (open for directions). Wear: hat, sunscreen, long-sleeved shirt, long pants, gloves, stout shoes.

Booking: No charge, but please book at (click the orange button at the top of the screen). For further information, contact Linda Beveridge by email or phone 0437 298 711.

Dr Judy West to open the 'Botanic Images' exhibition Friday, 3 November 2023 - 5:30pm

The 'Botanic Images' exhibition, showing a unique collection of botanic art and photographic works donated to the Gardens by the Friends of the ANBG, will be opened by Dr Judy West AO at 5:00 for 5:30pm Friday 3 November 2023.

Members of the Friends are invited to the opening and may bring a guest. Refreshments will be provided.

RSVP 27 October 2023 to

The exhibition showcases the talents of the Botanic Art Group and the Photographic Group in depicting botany. These Friends groups have been popular for over a decade and continue to thrive by encouraging members develop their skills and passion for flora and fauna. The exhibition runs from 1 November to 19 November in the Visitor Centre Gallery.

Dr Erin Hahn ‘Conservation time machine: harnessing degraded DNA for wildlife protection’ Thursday, 2 November 2023 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Dr Erin Hahn, a wildlife Research Scientist at CSIRO will unveil the power of DNA in wildlife conservation. Discover how 100-year-old museum specimens help predict species' response to climate change, and how she’s collecting airborne DNA to monitor rare species and invasive species. A fascinating glimpse into the future of Australian wildlife protection! Bookings open 29th September until the night before the talk or until seating limits are reached. (Tickets are Free but a donation on entry is appreciated.) This talk will be held in the ANBG Theatrette. Booking link:
