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Friends 25th anniversary celebrations Thursday, 1 October 2015 - 4:30pm

The Friends have now been supporting the Gardens for 25 years. Join us on Thursday 1 October to celebrate this momentous occasion

The celebrations proper will begin at 5.30pm at the Visitor Centre, where there will be a photographic display of some Friends-funded projects and some of the activities of our special interest groups.

At 4.30pm, there will be guided walking tours to some of the projects we have funded, including the Cascades, Rock Garden shelter, sundial and Daisy Garden.

This is a free event for members of the Friends. Read more, including details of booking arrangements.

Jerry Olsen ‘Raptors of the ACT’ Thursday, 1 October 2015 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

14 raptor species breed in the relatively small confines of the Australian Capital Territory. Many breed in the city, and sometimes they catch prey species said not to exist in the ACT region. How do these different raptor species select different habitats, and different mammal, bird, fish, reptile and invertebrate prey species so there isn’t too much overlap? Given the rapid rate of suburban expansion in the ACT and destruction of habitats, will we still have 14 breeding raptor species 10 years from now?

Breakfast with the Birds Sunday, 27 September 2015 - 7:45am

The ever-popular Breakfast with the Birds program is celebrating its 12th season.This is an excellent opportunity for early morning access to the Gardens to view birdlife with a knowledgeable guide, followed by a delicious hot breakfast in Floresco in the Gardens Cafe. Some binoculars will be provided, but bring your own if you have them. Wear comfortable footwear and warm clothes. The walk will only be cancelled in extreme weather conditions. Please note: this walk is not suitable for children under eight. 

Read more information about the 2015 Breakfast with the Birds program. To book for this date click here.

Breakfast with the Birds Saturday, 26 September 2015 - 7:45am

The ever-popular Breakfast with the Birds program is celebrating its 12th season.This is an excellent opportunity for early morning access to the Gardens to view birdlife with a knowledgeable guide, followed by a delicious hot breakfast in Floresco in the Gardens Cafe. Some binoculars will be provided, but bring your own if you have them. Wear comfortable footwear and warm clothes. The walk will only be cancelled in extreme weather conditions. Please note: this walk is not suitable for children under eight. 

Read more information about the 2015 Breakfast with the Birds program. To book for this date click here.

Dr Ken Hodgkinson ‘Restoring Canberra’s native grasslands by fire: the science and people issues’ Thursday, 24 September 2015 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

The Temperate Natural Grasslands, on which Canberra is built, are the most endangered ecosystems in Australia. Their original extent in SE Australia was 2 million ha. Only 0.5% remains. In the ACT there were 20,000 ha and 10% remains. The Canberra remnants (38 in number) are highly fragmented. Six species of the grassland animals and plants are declared endangered or vulnerable in the ACT.

Breakfast with the Birds Sunday, 20 September 2015 - 7:45am

The ever-popular Breakfast with the Birds program is celebrating its 12th season.This is an excellent opportunity for early morning access to the Gardens to view birdlife with a knowledgeable guide, followed by a delicious hot breakfast in Floresco in the Gardens Cafe. Some binoculars will be provided, but bring your own if you have them. Wear comfortable footwear and warm clothes. The walk will only be cancelled in extreme weather conditions. Please note: this walk is not suitable for children under eight. 

Read more information about the 2015 Breakfast with the Birds program. To book for this date click here.

Breakfast with the Birds Saturday, 19 September 2015 - 7:45am

The ever-popular Breakfast with the Birds program is celebrating its 12th season.This is an excellent opportunity for early morning access to the Gardens to view birdlife with a knowledgeable guide, followed by a delicious hot breakfast in Floresco in the Gardens Cafe. Some binoculars will be provided, but bring your own if you have them. Wear comfortable footwear and warm clothes. The walk will only be cancelled in extreme weather conditions. Please note: this walk is not suitable for children under eight. 

Read more information about the 2015 Breakfast with the Birds program. To book for this date click here.

Third Alison McKenzie Memorial Lecture: Geoffrey Dabb-Ten Birds of Canberra Thursday, 17 September 2015 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Ten bird species, some common, some rare, have been chosen for this presentation because each (a) has been recorded in ANBG and (b) has something of interest to be said about it. The talk is about why they are interesting, with some comments about local occurrence and movements of each species. Taking the ten species as examples, this graphic presentation also looks at bird art and photography.

Geoffrey Dabb has been a life-long bird watcher and an observer and photographer in ANBG for over 35 years.


Wattle Walk, Black Mountain Sunday, 13 September 2015 - 9:00am to 11:30am

Enjoy a Walk among the Wattles on Black Mountain with local plant ecologist, Michael Doherty. Let’s learn to identify some of the common Acacias found on Black Mountain, including Acacia dealbata and Acacia buxifolia. We will also learn about how Acacias cope with fire and drought. The walk will mostly be flat to undulating, but with a few steeper sections later on in the walk. Books will be for sale.

For more details, including booking information, click on the underlined heading in the left-hand column.

Dr Matt Colloff ‘Flooded forest and desert creek: the fascination of the River Red Gum’ Thursday, 10 September 2015 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Matt will talk about the ecology and history of the River Red Gum, Australia’s most widely-distributed eucalypt species.
