Our Achievements
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One of the major objectives of the Friends of the Australian National Botanic Gardens is to fund projects to support all aspects of the Gardens roles. Since 1990 when the Friends formed, over $2 million has been spent on hundreds of projects across the following categories:
- scientific research and conservation
- management of the horticultural and seed collections
- support for school groups using ANBG resources, and
- enhancing visitor experience within the ANBG.
The following table provides a summary of all projects funded by the Friends, including projects financed by the Friends' tax-deductible Public Fund. Projects are listed for the year when they were completed.
Year | Description | $ |
2022-23 | Iconic large plants display | 27,500 |
Research Scholarship | 4,000 |
2021-22 | Artworks and Photographs | 600 |
Banksia Garden Interpretation (Public Fund) | 3,950 | |
East Core Precinct revegetation (Public Fund) | 30,000 | |
East Core Precinct redevelopment including pathways and signage | 285,000 | |
Metallic green carpenter bee signage | 1,040 | |
Video – ANBG conservation activities (Public Fund) | 9,090 | |
Visitor Centre – design for exhibition space | 15,000 | |
2020-21 | Banksia Garden | 1,867 |
Artworks and photographs | 1,825 | |
Norfolk Island PhD scholarship | 14,000 | |
Australian Research Council: Thermal tolerance for arid and alpine plants | 12,000 | |
Voice amplifiers for educators and guides | 4,500 | |
Smartboard for Celia Rosser Room | 7,580 | |
Microscopes for students | 10,225 | |
Banksia Garden Interpretive signage (Public Fund) | 8,611 | |
International speaker at the Australian Seed Science Conference (Public Fund) | 6,878 | |
2019-20 | Banksia Garden | 71,338 |
Banksia Garden Interpretive signage (Public Fund) | 2,350 | |
Find a Plant app | 13,636 | |
Gift for Gardens from Photographic Exhibition | 370 | |
Hearing Loop in Theatrette | 7,645 | |
Norfolk Island Grant to Leah Dann | 24,545 | |
Thermal Tolerance of Australian Native Plants | 25,000 | |
Video Wall and Film in foyer | 52,143 | |
Seed Bank Exhibition (Public Fund) | 8,826 | |
Summer Concerts Donation | 33,500 | |
2018-19 | Ex situ conservation of Macadamia jansenii (Public Fund) | 3,000 |
Equipment for Seedbank volunteers (Public Fund) | 9,680 | |
X-ray assessment of legacy collections of National Seed Bank (Public Fund) | 15,200 | |
Artwork gifts to Gardens from BAG and photographic exhibitions | 1,185 | |
Banksia Garden | 26,758 | |
Carramar Koala | 5,000 | |
Conservatory Interpretation consultant | 18,600 | |
Eucalypt Trail (revamp) | 3,438 | |
Norfolk Island PhD volunteers | 1,134 | |
Paperbark Treehouse plaque | 1,330 | |
Summer Concert Donation | 15,000 | |
Guide Conference Support | 5,800 | |
2017-18 | Treehouse | 164,778 |
Treehouse (Public Fund) | 40,000 | |
Landscaping for Treehouse | 35,420 | |
Replacement of mobility scooters | 8,298 | |
Artwork gift for Gardens from BAG exhibition | 480 | |
Threatened Species project | 12,826 | |
Lichen Digitisation project (Public Fund) | 10,000 | |
Rainforest species collection (Public Fund) | 5,000 | |
Restoration of Florilegium prints | 1,300 | |
Summer Concerts Donation | 15,000 | |
Botanical Intern vouchers | 900 | |
Schools Photo Competition prizes | 2,675 | |
Gift for Gardens from Photographic exhibition | 435 | |
2016-17 | Theatrette, new video projector | 7,592 |
Stereo display microscope in Visitor Centre | 10,000 | |
Schools Photo Competition prizes | 2,675 | |
Library books grant | 2,500 | |
Botanical Intern vouchers | 576 | |
Threatened Species project | 12,893 | |
Artwork gift for Gardens from BAG exhibition | 750 | |
Summer Concerts Donation | 15,000 | |
2015-16 | Aboriginal Plant Use Trail (Public Fund) | 10,665 |
Seed Bank Drying Cabinet | 16,395 | |
Support Seed Bank volunteers to National Seed Science Forum | 1,000 | |
Roger Good Alpine Fund | 1,000 | |
Botanic Resource Centre, new computer | 600 | |
Schools Photo Competition prizes | 2,330 | |
Guides Conference support | 3,000 | |
Botanical Intern vouchers | 790 | |
Library Books grant | 485 | |
Artwork gift for Gardens from BAG exhibition | 780 | |
Summer Concerts Donation | 15,000 | |
2014-15 | Alpine Research Project symposium report | 1,250 |
Staff field trip, threatened & endangered plants | 4,000 | |
Asteraceae Garden development, Stage 1 | 13,010 | |
Rainforest and Red Centre Garden Lighting | 35,000 | |
Seed Bank Freezer (Public Fund) | 7,425 | |
Seed Counter (Public Fund) | 14,440 | |
Botanical Intern Vouchers | 720 | |
Schools Photo Competition prizes | 2,780 | |
Replace garden beds for Growing Friends | 7,510 | |
Library Books grant | 1,940 | |
Treehouse feasibility study | 6,500 | |
Artwork gift for Gardens from BAG exhibition | 820 | |
Summer Concerts Donation | 31,146 | |
2013-14 | Red Centre Garden artwork | 28,741 |
Bush Capital Celebration | 550 | |
Artwork gift for Gardens from BAG exhibition | 700 | |
Botanical Intern vouchers | 790 | |
Schools photo competition prizes | 3,110 | |
Audio system for Flora Explorer | 3,700 | |
Library Books grant | 1,102 | |
Guides conference support | 2,500 | |
Glasshouse interpretive signs | 2,800 | |
Termite Mound in Red Centre Garden (Public Fund) | 4,320 | |
Eucalypt Trail Brochure (Public Fund) | 443 | |
Guides uniforms | 1,230 | |
Summer Concerts Donation | 11,920 | |
2012-13 | Theatrette equipment: data projector, computer, screen | 8,957 |
Seed Bank equipment | 30,673 | |
Artwork gift for Gardens from BAG exhibition | 200 | |
Schools photo competition prizes | 2,743 | |
Eucalypt Discovery Walk (grant from Dahl Trust) | 11,950 | |
Eucalypt Discovery Walk signage (Public Fund) | 2,233 | |
Water Station | 5,313 | |
Termite Mound in Red Centre Garden (Public Fund) | 6,480 | |
Aboriginal Plant Use Trail (Public Fund) | 594 | |
Red Centre Garden Artwork | 86,784 | |
Botanical Intern Vouchers | 432 | |
Summer Concerts Donation | 10,250 | |
2011-12 | Display banners, for Gardens & Friends | 7,300 |
Climate Watch Trail Signage | 2,731 | |
Artwork: gift for Gardens from annual BAG exhibition | 600 | |
Birds of ANBG booklet | 8,000 | |
Flora Explorer electrically powered people mover | 33,655 | |
Rainforest Lighting | 30,000 | |
Botanical Intern vouchers | 630 | |
Schools photo competition prizes | 2,600 | |
Guides conference support | 3,000 | |
Alpine research project stage 3 | 22,245 | |
1 Jan 2010 - | Wattle Day Exhibition | 3,600 |
- 30 June 2011 | Gardens Souvenir booklet | 16,800 |
(see Note below) | Botanical Intern vouchers | 630 |
Lace Exhibition | 1,850 | |
In Flower this Week signage | 1,700 | |
Crosbie Morrison Amphitheatre shelter | 47,300 | |
Section 175 (Grassy Woodland) signage | 8,550 | |
Alpine research project, stage 2 | 22,000 | |
Orchid Display, Visitor Centre foyer | 5,500 | |
Guides conference & uniforms | 2,700 | |
Botanical Intern vouchers | 690 | |
Schools photographic competition prizes | 3,400 | |
Clock to publicise guided walks | 1,300 | |
Australian Lichen Website (Public Fund) | 14,820 | |
Environmental Monitoring System (Public Fund) | 49,000 | |
2009 | Canvas for Growing Friends work area | 1,200 |
Fogging system extension | 14,200 | |
Alpine research project, stage 1 | 22,000 | |
Botanical Intern vouchers | 630 | |
Schools photo competition prizes | 2,200 | |
2008 | Botanical Resource Centre | 4,750 |
Exhibition panels VIC | 1,400 | |
Schools photo competition prizes | 3,000 | |
Spring Flower display | 7,000 | |
Guides Conference support | 2,700 | |
2007 | Growing Friends’ tank | 2,500 |
BGANZ Conference sponsorship | 2,500 | |
Schools photo competition prizes | 3,000 | |
Rock Garden Lawn Shelter (Public Fund) | 38,360 | |
Sydney Basin seat (Public Fund) | 1,500 | |
2006 | Friends Cascades project | 17,000 |
Staff bursary, D Douglass snake study | 3,000 | |
Schools photo competition prizes | 3,000 | |
2005 | Library book | 550 |
Fungi website project | 4,350 | |
Bryophyte website project | 6,530 | |
Sponsorship BGANZ conference | 1,500 | |
Natural water enhancement project | 3,000 | |
Schools photo competition prizes | 3,000 | |
2004 | Fogging system | 4,500 |
Electric scooters for disabled visitors | 4,200 | |
Macrozamia moorei project | 5,800 | |
Bottle Tree project | 8,500 | |
Schools photo competition prizes | 3,000 | |
2003 | Schools photo competition prizes | 2,900 |
Palms for Rainforest Gully | 6,600 | |
Photo enlargements | 575 | |
'I Spy' project, Education Centre | 820 | |
Framing photos, ANBG collection | 720 | |
Prototype for children’s self guided walk | 3,000 | |
Stereo microscopes, Education Centre | 1,500 | |
Refrigerator for plant propagation | 600 | |
Electric scooters for disabled visitors | 4,000 | |
Sponsorship BGANZ conference | 2,000 | |
Redevelopment s131, Ellis Rowan Garden | 5,000 | |
2002 | Sponsor PNG delegate to Botanic Gardens International Congress Sydney | 3,000 |
Rock garden project | 8,000 | |
Ferns and palms for rainforest gully | 8,500 | |
2001 | Ferns and palms for rainforest gully | 5,000 |
Enhancement of ANBG macrofungi website | 4,900 | |
2nd payment bursary: A Joyce | 1,880 | |
Sydney Basin seating | 4,500 | |
Sponsorship (Gardens Conference) | 3,000 | |
'The Banksias' by Celia Rosser: book for Library | 3,300 | |
Staff bursary: M Garratt | 2,000 | |
Palms project | 5,000 | |
'Art in the ANBG' consultancy | 5,000 | |
Guides conference support | 3,500 | |
'Fungi' website project | 4,900 | |
before 2001 | Enlargement and framing of ANBG photos | 720 |
Printing of aboriginal food posters | 2,725 | |
Initial payment, staff bursary: A Joyce | 1,100 | |
Electric scooter for use by disabled visitors | 1,450 | |
Staff bursary: A Lyne | 2,000 | |
Sundial for Rock Garden Lawn | 4,000 | |
Screenprinting for conference | 1,450 | |
'300 years of Botanical Illustration' book for library | 250 |
Note: This 18 month period is inserted to allow the table, from here on, to report on a financial year basis, rather than calendar year. This was done, in part, because the Friends' financial year changed at this time and it became too unwieldy to continue reporting on calendar years.