Library Connect, May 2022
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Thu, 19/05/2022 - 11:55am — botanicus
This month’s Library Connect (PDF, 718 KB) has the usual listing of new books, plus a note about the publications of Professor David Lindenmayer, who is giving the Friends’ Thursday Lunchtime Talk on 26 May.
The new books are:
- Tasmania's natural flora / edited by Christine Howells.
- A flora of the liverworts and hornworts of New Zealand.
- Volume 2. / John J. Engel, David Glenny.
- Volume 3. / John J. Engel, David Glenny.
- Victoria's cryptic orchids / Rudie H. Kuiter.
- A guide to flowers & plants of Tasmania / Launceston Field Naturalists Club ; edited by Karen Manning, Marion Simmons, Roy Skabo, Mark Wapstra and Prue Wright.
- Native plants of the Ulladulla Region : their ecology and the walks where you will see them / Nicholas de Jong.
- Australian beetles : Archostemata, Myxophaga, Adephaga, Polyphaga (part) / editors: Adam Slipinski, John F. Lawrence.
For information about previous issues of Library Connect this year, see