Growing Friends 'Getting Ready for Spring' plant sale
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Canberra gardeners won't have to wait until spring for the next Growing Friends plant sale! The next plant sale will be on August 27th, giving you time to prepare for the spring planting.
The most recent sale was in November 2019, nearly three years ago. Since then, there has been a severe hailstorm which damaged the propagation area and two extended periods in March/April 2020 and September/October 2021 when the Gardens were closed because of COVID lockdowns. However, the Growing Friends have not been idle during the past three years. By the end of August, we will have a large number of plants ready for planting in early spring, as the ground starts to warm up. Some of the plants have been potted on into larger pots.
A complete list of plants available, and a description of each, is now available for download (PDF, 286KB). Most plants are in 100mm pots and will cost $6 each but the larger 175mm pots will cost $10 each.
When: Saturday, 27th August 2022
Time: 8.30 am – 11.00 am or earlier if sold out
Where: Small car park behind the Crosbie Morrison Centre, Australian National Botanic Gardens