Friends AGM 2024

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Thursday, 24 October 2024 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm

The 36th Annual General Meeting of the Friends of the ANBG will be held in the ANBG Theatrette at 3pm, followed by light refreshments in the Dickson Room.

Please arrive at 2.45 pm for a 3.00 pm start. If you plan to attend the meeting, please advise by email to This will assist us with catering, and it will also assist in ensuring that we have the required quorum of 25 members present.

Elections will be held for the position of President, Secretary, and three Ordinary Members. If a current member of Council nominates for and is elected to another vacant position, there will be an additional vacancy for an Ordinary Member or Office Bearer. This may result in an election for the position of Vice President.

The agenda includes proposed amendments to the Friends Constitution, to accommodate the establishment of a Gift Fund, and to revise provisions relating to dispute resolution. The resolution is "That the Friends of the Australian National Botanic Gardens Incorporated adopt by Special Resolution the draft Constitution dated September 2024."

Notices and further details of the meeting will be available on this website and through our e-newsletter nearer the date, along with meeting papers and nomination forms.

The agenda and meeting papers can be downloaded from the following links. Please check these documents as we will not be providing hard copies to everyone at the meeting, to minimise our environmental footprint.

or as individual files: