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Event title Date Details
Lesley Pattinson ‘Fetherston Gardens – a project in restoration, regeneration and renewal’ Thursday, 28 August 2014 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Fetherston Gardens is located within the grounds of the old Weston CIT School of Horticulture which was established from 1973 and named after the Head of Horticulture, Tony Fetherston.  The extensive woodland gardens and Arboretum have had a reprieve from a housing development in north Weston and are now being restored and maintained by a community volunteer group, the Fetherston Gardens Friends, formed in 2010. Fetherston Gardens are a unique garden space where people and plants can thrive.

Professor Elizabeth Minchin ‘Exploring Ancient Gardens of the Roman World’ Thursday, 21 August 2014 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

The external view of most, if not all, of the townhouses of Pompeii and Herculaneum is unpromising and unrelieved. It is the interior of the house which reveals the individuality of the owner - and which would have been a source of delight to the visitor. In this talk Elizabeth looks at the garden area within the freestanding, atrium houses of Pompeii, to reconstruct the appearance - the layout, the plantings and the ornamentation - of gardens in this world and to assess, if we can, the importance which a garden assumed in the Roman world.

Dr John Turnbull: Dr Lindsay Pryor and His Walk Thursday, 14 August 2014 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Professor Lindsay Pryor (1915-1998) was an internationally respected forest scientist, botanist and landscape architect. John will discuss his achievements and how he is remembered in Canberra especially in the commemorative Lindsay Pryor Walk at the Australian National University.

Dr Mike Gore: The Genesis of Questacon Thursday, 7 August 2014 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Dr Mike Gore, foundation director of Questacon, will talk about the genesis of Questacon, Australia’s first interactive science centre.

Professor Mike Gore obtained his PhD at Leeds University in electrical engineering. He came to Australia from Lancashire in 1962, joining the academic staff of the Australian National University where he was to teach Physics for the next 25 years. In 1980 his great love of teaching - both students and the general public - was the spur that led to him to establish, under the auspices of ANU, Questacon.

ANBG Friends Plant Science Group Technical Talk Monday, 4 August 2014 - 10:30am to 11:30am

Date & Time: Monday 4th August 2014 at 10.30 am
Place: Crosbie Morrison Building, ANBG
Topic:    Christmas Island flora survey

Speaker: Dr Brendan Lepschi (Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research and Curator of the Australian National Herbarium).

Talk summary: Christmas Island is often in the news, but frequently not for the best of reasons. Join Brendan Lepschi for an overview of the 2012 Christmas Island flora survey, and learn about the unusual flora of this isolated island.

Weeding Black Mountain Saturday, 2 August 2014 - 9:00am to Sunday, 3 August 2014 - 11:45am

The Friends of Black Mountain and Friends of the ANBG are removing woody weeds from ANBG Northern Extension.

Please email your name and phone number to or phone Linda (0437 298 711) or Carol (0439 031 162), so there is enough morning tea.

Please note the CHANGE to our meeting place - meet next to the ACTEW Substation on Frith Road, Acton. Drive along Frith Road behind the CSIRO, turn to the right at the corner then park next to the ACTEW Substation.

Glenys Bishop and Guides: Guiding at the ANBG – keeping them interested ? Thursday, 31 July 2014 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Glenys Bishop, convenor of the volunteer guides since December 2011, will set the scene by giving a brief overview of guiding at ANBG; a number of Guides will then provide snapshots of their experiences and share the strategies and anecdotes that they use to engage their visitors.  The Guides are drawn from the training courses held from 1999 to the most recent one in 2013. Click for a snapshot of their backgrounds

ANBG Friends Photographic Group monthly meeting Friday, 25 July 2014 - 8:00am to 11:30am

An early morning walk in the gardens with hopefully some fog & frost to photograph, then breakfast in the cafe followed by then our usual meeting at 10.30am at the Theatrette. For ANBG Friends only. 

See the Membership page if you would like to join the Friends. For more information about the Photographic Group, please click here.

Dr John Dargavel: Yearning for Sylvan Futures Thursday, 24 July 2014 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

The talk will trace how generations of botanists and foresters have yearned for a better future for their countries’ forests, and have directed their science to that end. Their dreams have varied but their dedication to science has not. Some of the themes that run through forest science from the eighteenth century to the present will be illustrated in the lives of some notable botanists and foresters, including David Douglas, Dietrich Brandis, Mark Anderson, Bill Stoate, Carl Syrach-Larsen, Josef Ressel and Hans Leibundgut.

Duncan McCaskill: Birds in Canberra Gardens and Birds in The Gardens Thursday, 17 July 2014 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Duncan will provide a meandering exploration of the bird life in Canberra suburban gardens and the ANBG using the extensive records of the Canberra Garden Bird Survey and other records from Canberra Ornithologists Group.
