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Ngunawal and National Capital Stories of Black Mountain - morning - FULLY BOOKED Sunday, 15 November 2020 - 9:30am

Fully booked.

Wally Bell, Ngunawal elder, and Mark Butz, environmental historian, talk about the Aboriginal, historic and natural heritage of Black Mountain. Due to popular demand, Wally and Mark will conduct walks in both the morning and afternoon. Bookings essential.

Black Mountain Weeding Work Party Saturday, 7 November 2020 - 8:30am

We shall focus on continuing to remove weeds from the woodland in the south west corner of the Black Mountain Nature Reserve, and celebrate the achievements in this area.

Meet: Caswell Drive entry on the mountain side (access from the southbound lanes). Note the yellow diamond shape advisory sign showing access road on left (mountain side) and the blue and white “P” sign for parking. Pull into the carpark carefully. Look for banners.

Please book: if you are planning to come, please email your name and phone number to or  phone 0437 298 711.  This helps us to cater and to let you know if arrangements need to change at the last minute (for example, adverse weather conditions).

Schools Photographic Competition - Retrospective Thursday, 29 October 2020 - 12:00am to Sunday, 15 November 2020 - 11:45pm

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the closure of the Gardens earlier this year, the Friends will not hold the Schools Photographic Competition in 2020. Instead, there will be a retrospective exhibition of first-prize-winning entries from the past 23 years on show at the ANBG Visitor Centre Gallery from 29 October to 15 November.

32nd Annual General Meeting of the Friends - new time & venue Thursday, 15 October 2020 - 3:30pm

This year's AGM will be held in the Jaeger Room at the Shine Dome at 3:30pm on Thursday 15 October 2020.

Please note the change of time and venue.

This venue has been chosen because it can accommodate sufficient people for the AGM under the current COVID-19 capacity restrictions. The largest venue at the Gardens, the main room in the Crosbie Morrison building, is limited to only 24 people. Our Constitution requires 25 members present for a quorum and does not allow electronic meetings or proxy voting.

Orchid Walks on Black Mountain [FULLY BOOKED] Sunday, 11 October 2020 - 1:00pm to Monday, 12 October 2020 - 2:45pm

DATE     Sunday 11 October,10am & repeated 1:00pm
     at the car park on the mountain side of Caswell Drive (from Belconnen Way drive south towards Glenloch Interchange).
BYO       enthusiasm, friends, hat, sunblock, water & stout shoes
BOOK    Numbers are limited to 15 for each walk. Phone Jean on 6251 2008 to book, or for more information about the walks.

Orchid Walks on Black Mountain [FULLY BOOKED] Sunday, 11 October 2020 - 10:00am to Monday, 12 October 2020 - 11:45am

DATE     Sunday 11 October,10am-12noon & repeated 1:00pm-3:00pm
     at the car park on the mountain side of Caswell Drive (from Belconnen Way drive south towards Glenloch Interchange).
BYO       enthusiasm, friends, hat, sunblock, water & stout shoes
BOOK    Numbers are limited to 15 for each walk. Phone Jean on 6251 2008 to book, or for more information about the walks.

49th Black Mountain Spring Wildflower Ramble Saturday, 10 October 2020 - 9:30am to Sunday, 11 October 2020 - 11:45am

Celebrate the spring flowering on beautiful Black Mountain with a social ramble for wildflower lovers in the tradition established by Nancy Burbidge, and continued by George Chippendale. Discover the surprising diversity of tiny orchids, bush peas, wattles and billy buttons on easy bush tracks with experienced guides and good company. All springs are not the same. The pattern remains but timing and abundance vary with the weather. Friends of Black Mountain welcomes all comers, be they experts or those who have never slowed down to see the somewhat cryptic diversity.

ANBG Weeding Work Party Saturday, 3 October 2020 - 9:00am to Sunday, 4 October 2020 - 12:45pm

We shall continue to focus on removing Cape Weed along the Powerline road.

 Meet: Belconnen Way entry to the reserve.  Please note change of meeting point.

Please book: if you are planning to come, please email your name and phone number to or  phone 0437 298 711.  This helps us to cater and to let you know if arrangements need to change at the last minute (for example, adverse weather conditions).

Botanic Art Groups Exhibition - The Legacy of Banks and Solander Saturday, 26 September 2020 - 12:00am to Sunday, 25 October 2020 - 11:45pm

The Botanic Art Groups exhibition 'Legacy of Banks and Solander' will now take place between 26 September and 25 October 2020 in the Visitor Centre.

The exhibition will display botanical paintings and drawings featuring Banksias and other plants collected by Banks and Solander 250 years ago on Cook's voyage to Australia.

Banksia caleyi - by Leonie Bubb Banksia Caleyi - Leonie Bubb

Black Mountain Weeding Work Party 5 September 2020 Saturday, 5 September 2020 - 9:00am to Sunday, 6 September 2020 - 11:45am

We shall focus on removing weeds from near the fence of the woodland in the south west corner of the Black Mountain Nature Reserve, and celebrate the achievements in this area.

Meet: Caswell Drive entry on the mountain side.
Drive from Belconnen Way southwards along Caswell Drive towards Glenloch Interchange, Woden, or Tuggeranong. Note the yellow diamond shape advisory sign showing access road on left (mountain side) and the blue and white “P” sign for parking. Pull into the carpark carefully. Look for banners.

Please book: if you are planning to come, please email your name and phone number to or  phone 0437 298 711.  This helps us to cater and to let you know if arrangements need to change at the last minute (for example, adverse weather conditions).
