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Event title Date Details
Ants on Black Mountain Ramble Saturday, 20 February 2021 - 4:00pm to Sunday, 21 February 2021 - 5:45pm

Meet: Belconnen Way entry to Black Mountain  (see banners).
Bring: Magnifying glass if you wish. Friends and family. Water. Snacks if you wish. Suggested donation of $5 to Friends of Black Mountain.
Wear: Sturdy walking gear, including hat and stout shoes.

Please Book: Places are limited, so please email your name and phone number to, or phone Julie (6251 6972) or Linda (0437 298 711). This is required in order to comply with COVID-19 requirements, and it helps us to let you know if arrangements need to change (e.g. because of the weather). 

THURSDAY TALK 'Understanding the impacts of fire on koalas and their habitat' - Dr Karen Ford & Dr Kara Youngentob Thursday, 18 February 2021 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm


This talk is about monitoring resident and rehabilitated koalas in the Monaro region to guide decisions about the management and conservation of koalas after fire.  It will be held in the TELSTRA TOWER THEATRETTE.

Bookings are essential because of the COVID-19 guidelines related to the Thursday Talks and limited seating.  Bookings can be made at  Bookings are open until Wednesday night or until seating limits are reached.  (Tickets are Free.)

Butterflies in the ANBG (sold out) Sunday, 14 February 2021 - 10:30am to Monday, 15 February 2021 - 11:45am

This walk is sold out, sorry!

Meet: Visitor Centre, ANBG

Time:  10:30 am to 12 noon

Bring: Binoculars if you wish. Water and any snacks you might need

Wear:  Walking shoes and hat 

In late summer/early autumn butterflies abound in the ANBG. Join our local expert, Suzi Bond, in observing these elusive creatures in the Gardens. Spot Imperial Jezebels, Australian Painted Ladies and Common Brown Butterflies as well as discover the plants they prefer.

Black Mountain Weeding Work Party Saturday, 6 February 2021 - 8:30am to 11:30am

Our next weeding work party will be in the Woodland area of Black Mountain.

Meet:  Caswell Drive entry on the mountain side.

Drive from Belconnen Way southwards along Caswell Drive towards Glenloch Interchange, Woden, or Tuggeranong. Note the yellow diamond-shaped advisory sign showing access road on left (mountain side) and the blue and white “P” sign for parking. Pull into the carpark carefully. Look for banners.

Please book: if you are planning to come, please email your name and phone number to or phone 0437 298 711.

Black Mountain Weeding Work Party Saturday, 2 January 2021 - 8:30am to 11:30am

Join Friends of Black Mountain to remove woody and some other weeds from some sections of ANBG.

Meet:  Frith Road extension, Acton, behind CSIRO and ANBG.  Park near the electricity substation and walk up the road to the large gate to ANBG.  Look for banners.

Please book: if you are planning to come, please email your name and phone number to or  phone 0437 298 711.

Sunset Cinema - season extended Thursday, 10 December 2020 - 5:30pm to Sunday, 28 February 2021 - 10:45pm

Sunset Cinema has now extended its 2020-2021 season until Saturday 27 February 2021.

They have been given an Access ACT exemption for up to 700 people per screening and ANBG has approved their COVID-19 Safety Plan.

Black Mountain Weeding Work Party 5 December 2020 Saturday, 5 December 2020 - 8:30am to 11:30am

Join Friends of Black Mountain to remove woody and some other weeds from some sections of ANBG.
Meet:  Frith Road extension, Acton, behind CSIRO and ANBG.  Park near the electricity substation and walk up the road to the large gate to ANBG.  Look for banners.
Wear:  hat, sunscreen, long-sleeved shirt, long pants, gloves, stout shoes.
We shall break for morning tea at about 10:00am. Will there be some Christmas cake?
Please book:
 if you are planning to come, please email your name and phone number to or  phone 0437 298 711.  This complies with COVID-19 requirements, helps us to cater, and to let you know if arrangements need to change at the last minute (for example, adverse weather conditions).

ANBG Photographic Group exhibition - Reflections Thursday, 19 November 2020 - 12:00am to Sunday, 6 December 2020 - 11:45pm

ANBG Visitor Centre
Time: 9.30am – 4.30pm daily

The annual photography exhibition by the Friends Photographic Group. Come and see the Gardens and local native plants and wildlife through expert eyes, in magnificent colour and detail.

Framed and unframed photographs, calendars, cards and other items for sale. This is a fundraising event for the Friends, with a contribution towards Gardens projects.

Bubbles, Birthdays & Banksias – Celebrating 30 Years Wednesday, 18 November 2020 - 4:30pm to 6:30pm

The Friends’ Council has much pleasure in inviting members to celebrate the Friends 30th Anniversary.

We hope you will join us, to catch up over a sparkling wine and canapés at the Crosbie Morrison Lawn and Amphitheatre. After speeches and birthday cake, members are invited to explore the Banksia Garden, the cost of which was supported by a donation of $100,000 from the Friends. This was our gift to the Gardens in their 50th Anniversary year.

Bookings are essential. Tickets are $35 per person. Numbers are limited due to COVID-safe restrictions, so please book early to avoid missing out.

Ngunawal and National Capital Stories of Black Mountain - afternoon - FULLY BOOKED Sunday, 15 November 2020 - 1:30pm

Fully booked.

Wally Bell, Ngunawal elder, and Mark Butz, environmental historian, talk about the Aboriginal, historic and natural heritage of Black Mountain. Due to popular demand, Wally and Mark will conduct walks in both the morning and afternoon. Bookings essential.
