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Dr Francisco Encinas-Viso ‘Venezuela, an extraordinary natural province.’ Thursday, 30 March 2017 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Francisco will talk to the stunningly diverse biodiversity of Venezuela.

The stunningly diverse biodiversity of Venezuela will be the focus of this presentation by Venezuelan born Dr. Francisco Encinas-Viso. After undergraduate study in his homeland, Francisco did postgraduate studies culminating in a PhD in Ecology and Evolution at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, followed by post-doctoral research at CSIRO in Canberra where he continues to work on Population, Ecological and Evolutionary Genetics.

Growing Friends Plant Sale - March 2017 Saturday, 25 March 2017 - 8:30am to Sunday, 26 March 2017 - 10:45am

The Growing Friends Autumn Sale will be held on Saturday, 25th March 2017.

Plants are propagated and tended by the Growing Friends from material sourced from the Gardens. All proceeds go to support the Gardens. Be early for the best selection.  A Plant List is available here

When: Saturday 25th March 2017
Time: 8.30 am – 11.00 am or earlier if sold out
Where: Small car park behind the Crosbie Morrison Centre, Australian National Botanic Gardens

More information about some of the plants for sale can be found here

A list of all the plants for sale can be found here

Dr Russell Barrett ‘The Kimberleys: wet and dry season expeditions in search of new plant species.’ Thursday, 23 March 2017 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Russell, an experienced taxonomist and photographer, will reflect on the place of the Kimberleys in the unfolding story of Australia’s unique flora.

Dr Russell Barrett grew up in the Kimberleys and his fascination with this vast area of gorges and desiccated sandstone escarpments has endured. Russell worked as a Research Botanist with the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority in Perth prior to moving to the Australian National Herbarium in Canberra. He is currently located with the ABRS.

10th Anniversary Art in the Gardens with Friends Exhibition Saturday, 18 March 2017 - 9:30am to Monday, 17 April 2017 - 4:30pm

The Botanic Art Groups will be celebrating their 10th anniversary exhibition in March 2017. 

The exhibition will be held in the Visitor Centre from 18th March to the 17th April. The Visitor Centre is open between 9:30 am and 4:30 pm.  All artwork will be for sale, with the commission going to support Friends activities.  Members of Friends will be invited to a special preview in the afternoon of Friday March 17th, prior to the exhibition opening to the public. All works will feature native plants, many of which can be seen growing in the Gardens.  

Put the dates in your diary!

Deirdre Slattery ‘Kosciuszko, Alpine and Namadgi National Parks.’ Thursday, 16 March 2017 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Deirdre will celebrate National Parks Week by talking about ‘Baldur Byles: A forester above the tree line.’

I have chosen to tell you about Byles (1904-75) because he was one of my unsung heroes of Kosciusko National Park as we know it today. Although he was a forester, his lasting memorial is his work for the snow country, where he was active in both science and administration from 1932 to 1967.

Dr Mark Clements ‘Australian Orchids’ Thursday, 9 March 2017 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Mark, Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research, will describe some of the 1300 species of Australian native orchids that he has collected and curated.

Dr Mark Clements’ career spans four decades and in that time he has discovered about 250 new species of Australian orchids and curated tens of thousands of specimens. In 2016 Mark was awarded the prestigious Westonbirt Orchid Medal from the Royal Horticulture Society.

ANBG Friends Plant Science Group - Technical Talk Monday, 6 March 2017 - 10:30am

Native seed conservation and research

Dr Lydia Guja, Research Scientist and Manager, National Seed Bank at ANBG Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research, CSIRO, Canberra.

At least 1,253 plant species are listed as threatened with extinction in Australia alone. To protect plants from extinction the National Seed Bank collects and stores seed, and extends seed longevity by storing seeds under special conditions which exploit their inherent ability to survive drying and delay germination. In this presentation Lydia will discuss the seed banking process, some of the science behind it, and the diverse regions that are currently the focus of their efforts at the Seed Bank. She will conclude by presenting results from recent studies into the seed ecology of species we conserve. This research focuses on how environmental variation affects seed dormancy and germination, and therefore the life cycles and establishment of obligate seeding plant species.

Black Mountain, weeding work party Saturday, 4 March 2017 - 8:30am to 11:30am

Meet: At the seasonal cherry-van parking bay on Belconnen Way, next to Black Mountain Nature Reserve. Look for the balloons.
Bring:  Enthusiasm, your family and friends, water (and your favourite digging tool, if you wish). Everyone is welcome.
Wear:  hat, sunscreen, long-sleeved shirt, long pants, gloves, stout shoes.

A delicious morning tea will be provided about 10.00am.

Please book: if you are planning to come, please email your name and phone number to or phone 0437 298 711. Having a contact number for you helps us to let you know if arrangements need to change at the last minute (for example, adverse weather conditions).

Please note that the Weeding Work Party will be cancelled if there is a Total Fire Ban.

Dr Penny Olsen ‘Louisa Atkinson: A voice from the country.’ Thursday, 2 March 2017 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Louisa Atkinson (1834–1872) was writer and naturalist who lived near Berrima and collected as far afield as the Canberra region. A frail but independent young woman, at 19 she became Australia's first woman natural history journalist and, not long after, the first Australian-born woman novelist. She began illustrations for a book on Australian natural history. The initial plates were sent to Germany for publication. However, war intervened and the plates were lost.

Photographic Group Talk: 'Jerrabomberra Wetlands: A Bird Photographers Paradise' Friday, 24 February 2017 - 10:30am to Saturday, 25 February 2017 - 11:45am
The Photographic Group meets on the last Friday of the month at 10.30 in the Garden’s Theatrette. 
Our guest speaker this month is Lori Gould, Program Manager for the Woodlands and Wetlands Trust (Jerrabomberra Wetlands).
The speaker will be followed by a Show and Tell by Members.
All members of the Friends are welcome to attend.
