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Black Mountain Weeding Work Party Saturday, 7 October 2023 - 8:30am to 11:30am

The next weeding work party will meet at the Caswell Drive entry of Black Mountain. Everyone welcome.  Wear hat, sunscreen, long-sleeved shirt, long pants, gloves, stout shoes. If you are planning to come, please let us know by using this booking link:

Wake up with the Birds Saturday, 7 October 2023 - 7:45am to Sunday, 8 October 2023 - 9:15am

A wonderful opportunity to observe some of Canberra's amazing birdlife in the beautiful surrounds of the Australian National Botanic Gardens. In a small group, experience the Gardens early on a spring morning when the birds are nesting and at their most active. The 90-minute walk starts at 7.45 am. Bring your own binoculars if you have them. Fully booked.

Glenn Cocking. ‘Moths in the ACT: what might the Scott Sisters have found if they were here?’ Thursday, 5 October 2023 - 12:30pm

Glenn will give an overview of moths that live in the ACT, drawing attention to some that are very widespread, and particularly some that were studied by the Scott sisters.  He will also give some guidance on how to go about identifying the myriad of moth species present in the ACT. Bookings can be made until the night before the talk or until seating limits are reached. (Tickets are Free but a donation on entry is appreciated.) This talk will be held in the ANBG Theatrette. Booking link:

Dr Toner Stevenson ‘Eclipse Chasers: astronomical observations in Australia and the Pacific’ Thursday, 28 September 2023 - 12:30pm

Toner, from University of Sydney, will explain the science of a total solar eclipse, how the temperature, plants and animals are impacted. Some exciting challenges from eclipses, including recent eclipse in Western Australia, will highlight the involvement of women and First Nations Peoples experiences and contributions. Toner is happy to sign copies of her book after the talk. Bookings can be made until the night before the talk or until seating limits are reached. (Tickets are Free but a donation on entry is appreciated.) This talk will be held in the ANBG Theatrette. Booking link:

Secrets of the Australian Bush - a family adventure Monday, 25 September 2023 - 10:30am to Thursday, 5 October 2023 - 11:30am

Discover the amazing secrets of the plants that live in the Australian bush on this family-friendly tour at the Australian National Botanic Gardens. We will travel on our magical Flora bus, walk through the Rainforest Gully, visit the Red Centre Garden and finish at the Paperbark Treehouse.  This one-hour tour is designed for children 4-10 years who must be accompanied by an adult. The tour runs at 10:30am 25, 27 and 29 September and 3 and 5 October.  Bookings essential.  Book HERE. (Tickets priced from $6.61 to $9.78 per person.)

Exhibition opening - Plant Stories: Woven Tapestry Narratives Sunday, 24 September 2023 - 2:00pm

The 'Plant Stories: Woven Tapestry Narratives' exhibition at the Visitor Centre will be officially opened by Dr Judy West, former Executive Director of the Gardens, at 2pm. Several of the artists will talk about their works.

In the exhibition, Australian tapestry artists tell personal, community, historical and mythical stories associated with Australian plants. In the materiality, colour and woven images they reflect our lives, contemporary issues and the plant world around us now.

Exhibitors include Joy Smith, Sara Lindsay, Cresside Collette, Kay Lawrence, Diana Wood Conroy, Dimity Kidston, Brenda Goggs, Shunyam Smith, Kirsty Darlaston, Suzanne Knight, Patsy Payne, Jennifer Sharpe, Australian Tapestry Workshop, Valerie Kirk, and Cheryl Thornton.

All are welcome.

Emeritus Professor Valerie Kirk AM ‘Plant Stories: Woven Tapestry Narratives’ Thursday, 21 September 2023 - 12:30pm

Valerie, ANBG Artist-in-Residence 2022-2023, will talk about her adventures and experiences here and overseas and how they influenced her recent work. Bookings can be made until Wednesday night or until seating limits are reached. (Tickets are Free but a donation on entry is appreciated.) This talk will be held in the ANBG Theatrette. Booking link:

Plant Stories: Woven Tapestry Narratives exhibition at the Visitor Centre Wednesday, 20 September 2023 - 9:00am to Sunday, 29 October 2023 - 4:30pm

Australian tapestry artists tell personal, community, historical and mythical stories associated with Australian plants. In the materiality, colour and woven images they reflect our lives, contemporary issues and the plant world around us now.

Growing Friends Spring 2023 Native Plant Sale Saturday, 16 September 2023 - 8:30am to 11:00am

The Spring Sale is happening from 8.30 -11.00 am in the carpark between the Banksia Centre and the Crosbie Morrison Building. There will be plants for every garden: trees, lots of lovely shrubs, great groundcovers and plants suitable for pots. Come early to avoid missing out! A sale of second-hand books relating to Australian native plants will be held concurrently. The full list of plants, and their descriptions (PDF, 402KB) is now available. All proceeds go to support the Gardens.

Wake up with the Birds Saturday, 16 September 2023 - 7:45am to Sunday, 17 September 2023 - 9:15am

A wonderful opportunity to observe some of Canberra's amazing birdlife in the beautiful surrounds of the Australian National Botanic Gardens. In a small group, experience the Gardens early on a spring morning when the birds are nesting and at their most active. The 90-minute walk starts at 7.45 am. Bring your own binoculars if you have them. Bookings are essential and can be made at
