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Wake Up With the Birds Saturday, 23 September 2017 - 7:45am to 9:15am

The Australian National Botanic Gardens provide a fantastic habitat for many of Canberra’s birds, with water and nectar in abundance.

It is marvellous to be in the Gardens early in the morning before they are open to the general public.

Professor Rob Heinsohn ‘Can we save Swift Parrots from their introduced predators?’ Thursday, 21 September 2017 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Rob, Professor of Evolutionary and Conservation Biology at the ANU, will outline the impact of introduced sugar gliders on nesting Swift Parrots in Tasmania, and ponder the long-term future of these threatened birds.

Another 'charring party' for the Treehouse Monday, 18 September 2017 - 10:00am to Tuesday, 19 September 2017 - 3:45pm

There will be another opportunity for interested Friends to do (or observe) some charring for the Paperbark Treehouse. Charring, called Shou Sugi Ban in Japanese, is a traditional technique for preserving timber. It is being used to finish and preserve the beams and cladding of the new Treeehouse.

Any would-be charrers (or observers) are asked to turn up at the site via the eastern boundary road and not through the construction site itself. The immediate Treehouse construction site will be out-of-bounds, and charring undertaken on the lawn as previously. The dress rules will apply in terms of old robust clothing and there should be a couple of pairs of long gloves on hand, which were used on the inaugural charring day. Two blow torches will be available, and the training and charring may need to be rostered to avoid people standing around, depending on the numbers.

Associate Professor Don Beer ‘Forgotten People and Hidden Secrets of the ANBG.’ Thursday, 14 September 2017 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

This talk will discuss influential but neglected staff-members from the early history of the Gardens and analyse the Gardens’ workforce - its composition, culture and the strategies that made it the way it has been.

Catriona Donnelly ‘Wild Flowers of South Australia – the beautiful botanical illustrations of Fanny Elizabeth de Mole’ Thursday, 7 September 2017 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Catriona, a curator at National Museum of Australia, will explore the life and art of Fanny de Mole, one of a select group of colonial women botanical illustrators, in de Mole’s “Wild Flowers of South Australia” (1861).

ANBG Friends Plant Science Group - Technical Talk Monday, 4 September 2017 - 10:30am

Rhizanthella and other orchids, an update

Dr Mark Clements, Research Scientist with the Australian National Herbarium and the Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research, Canberra.

Mark is going to talk about the new discovery of a Rhizanthella underground orchid and then update us on new research developments in the study of Glossodia,  Caladenia and some other orchids.

Location: ANBG Theatrette

Black Mountain weeding work party Saturday, 2 September 2017 - 9:00am to Sunday, 3 September 2017 - 11:45am

We shall be walking on the slopes of Black Mountain removing woody weeds in the north and north-east part of Black Mountain Reserve.

Please book: if you are planning to come, please email your name and phone number to or phone 0437 298 711. This helps with the catering. Also, having your contact number helps us to let you know if arrangements need to change at the last minute (for example, adverse weather conditions).

Meet: at the Belconnen Way entry gate to Black Mountain Nature Reserve. On the Mountain side of Belconnen Way before the Caswell Drive turnoff – look for balloons.

Bring:  Enthusiasm, your family and friends, water (and your favourite pruning saw, if you wish). Everyone is welcome.

A delicious morning tea will be provided about 10:30am.

Wear:  hat, sunscreen, long-sleeved shirt, long pants, gloves, stout shoes.

Martin Butterfield ‘The Wide Black Land: reflections on the Carwoola bushfires’ Thursday, 31 August 2017 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

With his lifetime interest in birds, Martin will reflect on the responses to these fires by the vegetation, birds, animals and invertebrates in his garden and elsewhere as his property gradually recovers.

ANBG Friends Photographic Group - Monthly meeting Friday, 25 August 2017 - 10:30am

Speaker: Mark Mohell, Manager Imaging and Digitisation at the National Portrait Gallery

NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE: M16 Artspace, 21 Blaxland Crescent Griffith ACT 2603.

Mark Mohell will give a talk on his work in conjunction with the exhibition Lines of Site: Finding the Sublime in Canberra, curated by Grace Blakeley-Carroll.

Dr Liz Truswell ‘The woman who mapped the oceans’ Thursday, 24 August 2017 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Liz, Visiting Fellow at ANU and practising artist, will describe how geologist/cartographer Marie Tharp, working with the artist Heinrich Berann, produced maps of the global sea floor that contributed significantly to the development of plate tectonics.
