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Photo competition award presentation ceremony 2014 (Photo: Alan Munns)

Annual Schools Photographic Competition, 2014

There was an excited buzz around the Gardens’ Theatrette on Saturday 18 October as award winners in the 18th annual Friends’ schools photographic competition gathered to receive their prizes.

The competition is run for students from ACT and Queanbeyan Region high schools and colleges. All photos must be taken in the Australian National Botanic Gardens and feature some aspect of the Gardens, and in categories involving black and white, colour and images altered digitally or in dark room processing. 

The Flora Explorer (Photo: Alan Munns)

Changes to Flora Explorer Tours

A recent review of the popular Flora Explorer tours showed demand for extra tours on weekends, public holidays and school holidays.
In response, morning tours have now been introduced at 10.30 am on weekends and public holidays. The afternoon tour time has changed to 1.30 pm.
There will also be a morning tour (at 10.30 am) on week days in school holidays.
The Friends recently purchased a microphone and audio system to allow the Flora guide to provide a guided commentary to passengers, whilst the bus is in motion.
The length of the tour has been changed to 45 minutes.

Elizabeth Minchin talk on the townhouse gardens of Pompeii - handout available

At the Thursday Talk on August 21 by Professor Elizabeth Minchin of ANU on ‘Exploring Ancient Gardens of the Roman World’, demand for a handout she brought along greatly exceeded supply. Elizabeth has kindly provided a copy to be available here for download (PDF, 318 KB).

See the original event description for the talk.

David Coutts, Margaret Steele and Judy West (Photo: Liz Kay)

A Gift for the Gardens from the Friends

Very appropriately, the 19 June Thursday Talk on the Gardens public art management plan began with the handover of two paintings from the Friends to the Gardens. Mr David Coutts, President of the Friends, formally handed the two artworks to Dr Judy West, Executive Director of the Gardens. Click on the heading above for more information.

Snow gum in winter

Symposium 12 June 2014: Plant Conservation & Management for the Australian Alps

The Australian National University, Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG) and the ANBG Friends sponsored a half-day symposium on 12 June 2014 on alpine plant research and management, building on their existing ARC linkages research program into alpine seed ecology. The symposium covered the role of botanical gardens in alpine plant conservation, recent and current research into alpine plant ecology, and directions for future research.

Her Excellency Lady Cosgrove, new Patron of the Friends

Welcoming our new Patron, Her Excellency Lady Cosgrove

We are honoured that Her Excellency Lady Cosgrove has accepted the role of Patron of the Friends.

Her official biography lists her personal interests as including art and architecture, nature and gardens, and she is a keen sports follower. Lady Cosgrove has been actively involved in the welfare of partners in the defence community and became the inaugural Patron of Partners of Veterans Australia. She has worked with numerous voluntary organisations supporting aged and disabled people, and endangered Australian wildlife.

Flyer for Offshoots workshops

Art workshops at the Gardens, 9-11 May

The Gardens will be hosting several art workshops next Friday, Saturday and Sunday (9 – 11 May).

Julie McEnerny will be conducting Botanical Art Workshops on Friday and Saturday, in conjunction with her exhibition Offshoots at the Visitor Information Centre. Bookings are essential at

Craft ACT artists-in-residence Annee Miron and Sally Blake​ will conduct workshops on Saturday and Sunday in the Crosbie Morrison Building. Bookings are essential and close Wednesday 7 May; contact or phone (02) 6250 9405.
Vegie Might: RHS Medal winner Nilavan Adams

RHS Medal winner Nilavan Adams

ANBG Botanic Art Group member Nilavan Adams has done it again!

Nilavan has been awarded the Silver Gilt medal at the Royal Horticultural Society 2014 Botanical Art Show in London.

This exhibition showcases work from some of the world’s best botanical artists. The official guidelines note that:

Artist Teresa Purla with 'Grandmother's Country' (Photo: Peter Byron)

Red Centre Garden

The Red Centre Garden, which opened in October 2013 after four years of careful planning and an immense amount of work by the Gardens staff, has become a major attraction for visitors to the ANBG and to Canberra in general. A warm and dry summer resulted in wonderful displays of colour, the blues and purples of the massed Swan River Daisies, Sturt’s Nightshade and Sturt’s Desert Rose together with the brilliant greens and silvery greys of the young acacias, Silky Heads and ‘tobacco’ plants contrast beautifully with the red sand and dramatic rocks in the Rocky Outcrop and Rocky Escarpment. Many visitors are taking advantage of the Flora Explorer tours to enjoy the spectacle of the Red Centre Garden in comfort. Click on the heading for more information.

Banks' Florilegium visit    Photo: Jill More

Banks' Florilegium at the National Library of Australia

Banks’ Florilegium is a collection of colour prints based on the 955 field drawings made by artist Sydney Parkinson to accompany the botanical specimens, collected by Joseph Banks and Daniel Solander, on the 1768-1771 Endeavour voyage of discovery and circumnavigation of the globe, which was lead by Captain James Cook.

Three groups of Friends were privileged to attend a viewing of prints based on the Australian component of Banks’ Florilegium at the NLA on 19 March 2014. The viewing followed an excellent talk by Catriona Anderson from the NLA at the Friends' Twilight Dinner in February.

Click on the heading to see Catriona Anderson’s notes prepared for the viewing.
