Our annual Summer Sounds evening concert series on the Eucalypt Lawn in the Gardens is a favourite Canberra summer event. This year, despite some challenging hot weather, the atmosphere on the Eucalypt Lawn was always lively and concert-goers clearly enjoyed the opportunity to kick back and relax.
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Westbourne Woods Arboretum - monthly guided walks
Members of the Friends of the Gardens may be interested in guided walks, on the second Sunday of every month, in the Westbourne Woods, Yarralumla. The walks program for 2017 is here. Walks in Feb and March are led by John Turnbull, and in April by Max Bourke. Both are long-time members of the Friends of the ANBG.
Volunteers needed for Luminous Botanicus at Enlighten 2017
Luminous Botanicus will be in its third year at Enlighten 2017. This popular and successful event will be held on Thursday and Friday evenings 2 & 3 March and 9 & 10 March.
Volunteers from the Friends are supporting Luminous Botanicus III on each night of the event. They are needed to assist staff at the gate, as well as directing visitors at key points along the route to ensure they do not go astray. Find out more...
Thursday Talks Resume for 2017
The Thursday Talks Program for 2017 resumed on 2 February with a talk by Tim Fischer AC. Tim Fischer, former Deputy Prime Minister and Ambassador to the Holy See, is currently the Vice-Chair, Global Crop Diversity Trust (GCDT) for the Svalbard Seed Vault, Norway. The talk was entitled Collecting Vital Seeds: from the Gallipoli Oaks collected by John Monash to the Crop Trust and Svalbard Vault today, collecting seeds matters more than ever!
Friends' Photographic Group - 2016 Exhibition
Friends of the ANBG, guests and members of the Photographic Group gathered on Wednesday 23rd November for the opening of the annual photography exhibition. The evening started with various speakers, after which people had ample time to admire the photographs and other items on display. Food and drinks were provided. The exhibition highlighted the beauty and diversity of the Australian Native Flora and Fauna and brought together photographers of many different skills and experiences using a variety of equipment.
Schools Photo Competition 2016
Every year for 20 years the Friends have run a schools photographic competition. Many excellent images were submitted this year - a total of 337, a large increase on last year. The award ceremony was held on Saturday 12 November. Competition judge Ken Crawford congratulated students on the quality and originality of their work.
Growing Friends Plant Sale - November 2016
Fortunately, the rain and thunderstorm did not arrive on Saturday morning as predicted. A queue of people, many of them happy returning customers, had arrived by 8:30.
Thanks to the Growing Friends who helped with the sale, both with the setting up on Friday afternoon and on Saturday morning and also in the weeks leading up to the sale. Many of the volunteers at the sale were Growing Friends who have joined us recently – thank you, and once again, welcome to the Growing Friends.
The next plant sale will be on 25th March 2017.
Panel Discussion: Crop Wild Relatives and Genebanks
Members of the Friends are invited to a free panel discussion at CSIRO Discovery Centre, Black Mountain, at 3-5 pm on 2 November 2016. RSVP is essential. Click on the blue heading above for more details.
Friends' Annual General Meeting, 19 October 2016
The 28th AGM was held on Wednesday 19 October.
Click on the heading above for full details.
Breakfast with the Birds 2016 season
We had a marvellous time with this year’s season of Breakfast with the Birds despite the threatening weather. Our Tawny frogmouth on the nest disappeared when a huge limb fell off the tree but otherwise the birds were cooperative, sharing nesting activities and feeding their young for our enjoyment. The magpies had added plant name tags to their already blue tape decorated nests in the apartment tree outside the Crosby Morrison building. There were lots of honeyeaters – breakfasting on the nectar in the grevilleas along the main path and the spotted pardalote was once more in the tunnel, allowing us to share his jewel-like colours up close. A discordant note was struck by a Goshawk making life hard for the Wood ducks and their ducklings on the café lawn although it was interesting to see the way the parents protected the young against predation.