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ANBG Friends Plant Science Group Technical Talk Monday, 1 July 2019 - 10:30am

Alyssa Weinstein from ANU will speak on ”Curious cases of diversification in sexually deceptive Australian orchids”.

The talk will be held in the ANBG Theatrette.

ANBG Friends Photographic Group - June Meeting Friday, 28 June 2019 - 10:30am to 12:30pm

The June meeting of the ANBG Friends Photographic Group will be held on Friday 28th of June, in the Theatrette, from 10:30 to 12:30.

“Composition for Macro” 

Presenter: Brad Nichol

 Brad Nichol has been involved in professional photography since he was 16 years old and, in that time, has had 3 photography- based businesses. The current one is Zero One Imaging, which concentrates on teaching people the joys and skills of digital photography and related skills.

Sharon Field ‘Monaro Runes: an Artist’s Response to Dieback on the Monaro’ Thursday, 27 June 2019 - 12:30pm

Sharon, a renowned botanic artist will discuss how the impact of dieback on Eucalyptus viminalis in the Monaro region has been widespread and dramatic.  Sharon will tell the story of a visual artist’s response to dieback.

Dr Stephen Utick ‘National and International Focus on Conserving Camellia Collections’ Thursday, 20 June 2019 - 12:30pm

Stephen is a recognised world expert on Camellias.  While not endemic to Australia, the genus Camellia is of immense horticultural and cultural significance internationally.  This presentation will examine initiatives in Australia and internationally to conserve rare and endangered cultivars, with a special emphasis on the work of Camellia Ark Australia.

Black Mountain mid-winter talk Tuesday, 18 June 2019 - 11:00am to 12:30pm

Mid-Winter Talk: Black Mountain - its geological origins and evolution.

Robert Spiers ‘Conservation of the Pink-tailed Worm-lizard Aprasia parapulchella at Googong’ Thursday, 13 June 2019 - 12:30pm

Robert, Capital Ecology’s principal ecologist, will talk about this lizard that lives in ant galleries under small surface volcanic rocks in our region.  Much of the species’ habitat is being destroyed or modified by agriculture and urban development leading to its decline and its listing as ‘vulnerable’.

Peter Byron ‘Update on ANBG Management Plan, Including Conservatory and Announcement of Seed Bank Design’ Thursday, 6 June 2019 - 12:30pm

Peter, General Manager of the ANBG, will provide an update on the ANBG Management Plan, Including the Conservatory and an Announcement of the Seed Bank Design.

ANBG Friends Plant Science Group Technical Talk Monday, 3 June 2019 - 10:30am

Alasdair Grigg, Manager, Christmas Island Minesite to Forest Rehabilitation Program, Christmas Island NP will speak on 'Christmas Island: its flora and the rainforest rehabilitation program'

Weeding Work Party Saturday, 1 June 2019 - 9:00am to Sunday, 2 June 2019 - 11:45am

The next weeding work party is a special one to remove Hawthorn weeds from the area near Pryor’s notable Snow Gums at the Glenloch Interchange, a core conservation area site in the midst of high volume traffic.  This small area of Snow Gum Woodland includes an ancient tree that is listed as a notable tree in Trees and Shrubs of Canberra by Lindsay Pryor and JCC Banks.

Meet: At the stile on the fence of Aranda Snow Gums at the corner of William Hovell and Caswell Drives. Park your car near Black Mountain Reserve Car Park.

ANBG Friends Photographic Group – May meeting Friday, 31 May 2019 - 10:00am to Saturday, 1 June 2019 - 9:45am

Our guest will be Paul Jurak – Canberra's ‘Kayakcameraman’

Paul is a shining example of a person who has immersed himself in photography for personal healing, both mental and physical. His photography is self-taught and embraces the use of lighting and location.
