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Dr Rebecca Pirzl (photo: CSIRO)

New Head for the Gardens

Dr Rebecca Pirzl will be appointed as the new Branch Head, Strategic Partnerships and Australian National Botanic Gardens, commencing on 30 October.

Rebecca is joining DCCEEW from CSIRO and brings a wealth of experience from climate change and disaster resilience, regional infrastructure and community transitions, conservation decisions, Indigenous science partnerships, and national digital research infrastructure.

Neville Page, Anthony Whalen, Linda Beveridge with the artworks (photo: Steven Playford)

Botanic art presented to the Gardens

Two works from the Botanic Art Group’s 2023 annual exhibition have been presented by the Friends for the ANBG’s permanent collection. Hakea laurina by Jacqui Gillilands and Acacia leprosa ‘Scarlet Blaze’ by Annette Dahler were presented to Anthony Whalen, Acting Executive Director of Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG), by Neville Page, President, and Linda Beveridge, Vice President.

Library Connect July / August 2023

This edition of Library Connect has the usual listing of new books and some information about the department’s subscription to Australian Standards Online.  Alex will be on leave from 21 August to 18 September, but the library will be open for self-serve borrowing. Just put the details of the book/s borrowed with your name and email or contact number in the book on the front counter and she will check them out when she returns.  The “click and collect” boxes in the Visitor Centre are still available for returning items if that is easier for you.

We have a new Treasurer

Following on Anne Holmes' resignation as the Friends Treasurer, effective 31 August, 2023, Council has appointed Dr Rod King to be the new Treasurer as from 1 September, 2023. Rod has been a Friends Member for a number of years, and before his retirement from CSIRO in 2008 was a noted scientist in the Plant Industry Group. We look forward to working closely with Rod in his new role.

Library Connect June 2023

This month’s Library Connect has the usual listing of new books, some very old ones, two new art works and links to a couple of recent articles on the herbarium of the future and the importance of mosses.  The library is staffed Mon - Fri 9.30 - 4.30.  Alex can be contacted by email or phone (02 6250 9480) if you need assistance.  The "Click and Collect” boxes in the Visitor Centre are still available for returning items, and Alex is very happy to leave items there for collection if that’s easier than visiting the library.

Friends of the ANBG Student Scholarships

Three student scholarships will be made available in 2023-24.  The Friends of the Australian National Botanic Gardens (FANBG) Student Scholarship supports students (Honours, Masters or PhD) engaging in collaborative research projects with the ANBG that bring direct benefits to the Gardens and its objectives.  As part of the FANBG Student Scholarship program, the Don Beer Scholarship will be awarded in honour of the late Don Beer and his legacy of work with the ANBG.

Library Connect, April / May 2023

This month’s Library Connect has the usual listing of new books and links to a couple of recent articles on the biological control of weeds and indigenous-led restoration of degraded ecosystems.  The library is staffed Mon - Fri 9.30 - 4.30.  Alex can be contacted by email or phone (02 6250 9480) if you need assistance.  The “click and collect” boxes in the Visitor Centre are still available for returning items, and Alex is very happy to leave items there for collection if that’s easier than visiting the library.

New faces on Friends Council

The recent vacancies on Friends Council have now been filled: Marg Nicholls has joined as Secretary, and Sue Serjeantson has joined as a General Member. As casual appointments, their positions will last until the Annual General Meeting in October. Our thanks to Marg and Sue for stepping forward to help.

Don and Ella Beer at the book-signing table, Friends' 30th Anniversary celebration, 2020

The Don Beer Memorial Fund

Friends Council have recently resolved to establish the Don Beer Memorial Fund as part of our Public Fund. The Fund will finance a series of scholarships for the study of, and research into, Australian native plants. Administration of the fund will operate alongside the ANBG Scholarship Programme. The Memorial Fund has been made possible by an extremely generous commitment of $25,000 from Ella Beer. The Fund also welcomes donations from Friends members and the general public, all of which are tax deductible under the Friends Public Fund.

Library Connect, March 2023

This month’s Library Connect has the usual listing of new books and links to a couple of recent articles on ecological fire management.  The library is staffed Mon - Fri 9.30 - 4.30.  Alex can be contacted by email or phone (02 6250 9480) if you need assistance.  The “click and collect” boxes in the Visitor Centre are still available for returning items, and Alex is very happy to leave items there for collection if that’s easier than visiting the library.
