On Saturday 28 September the awardees at the Student Photography Competition received their prizes and certificates from Neville Page, President of the Friends of the ANBG, and Dr Rebecca Pirzl, Branch Head Science and the ANBG, Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water. Their photos, taken within the Gardens, are now on display in the Banksia Garden and on the Competition's page on this website.
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Considering a donation to the Friends?
At this time of the year, many members consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Friends. It's easy and convenient to donate online. You can choose the method that suits you best:
- Online card payment - use a secure online payment facility to pay by Visa or Mastercard.
- Direct deposit - fill out an easy donation form and get the details you need to complete your payment and receive your receipt.
Friends Public Fund has changed
The Australian Government has changed the rules relating to environmental funds, and that includes the Friends of the ANBG Public Fund. The Register of Environmental Organisations has been abolished, and along with it the need for the Friends to have a separate Public Fund. Donations will now be made directly to the Friends, and will continue to be tax deductible. Donors will be issued with an official receipt which clearly shows that the donation is tax deductible. |
Congratulations and thanks to our volunteers
On November 28 the Gardens and the Friends celebrated our volunteers, both in Gardens programs and in Friends activities. Certificates were awarded to volunteers who have contributed for remarkable periods, notably Pat Wright for 25 years.
On December 6 the Gardens also celebrated 10 years of the Visitor Centre Volunteer program, recognising two volunteers who have been involved from the very beginning.
ANBG Volunteer Guides Intake 2024
We are looking for people who are passionate about engaging our visitors in the stories of the Gardens. New Volunteer Guides will be recruited in early 2024 with training starting in March 2024. Please share this exciting opportunity with friends, family and your wider community so we can ensure we recruit an enthusiastic and dedicated group for our 2024 intake. For further information email Sue Norman, the Volunteer Manager on volunteer@anbg.gov.au. You can find further information here.
Library Connect November 2023
The November edition of Library Connect is now available. It has the usual listing of new books and a reminder about the Botanic Images exhibition which runs to Sunday, 19 November in the Visitor Centre Gallery. The exhibition showcases the talents of the Botanic Art and Photographic Groups in depicting botany, and comprises the unique collection of botanic art and photographic works donated to the Gardens by the Friends of the ANBG over the years. The library is staffed Mon - Fri 9.30 - 4.30, or Alex can be contacted by email or phone (02 6250 9480) if you need assistance.
Seeking new IT Volunteers
With the release of our new Friends website expected in early 2024, we are seeking additional volunteers for our IT & Communications team. Have you ever wanted to choose and edit stories for the website or ebulletin? Do you want to learn how to update a website or send out the monthly Friends newsletter? Would you like to oversee the backend of the Friends IT infrastructure? Do you have skills in WordPress or Google apps or media? Image editing? We are happy to train new volunteers in any or all of these skills. If you are interested in helping out we’d love to hear from you. Please email website@friendsanbg.org.au and we’ll be in touch.
Library Connect September / October 2023
This edition of Library Connect has the usual listing of new books and a couple of articles on Artificial Intelligence in education, research and the public sector. The library is staffed Mon - Fri 9.30 - 4.30 and Alex can also be contacted by email or phone if you need assistance. The “click and collect” boxes in the Visitor Centre are still available for collecting or returning items if that’s easier for you.

35th Annual General Meeting of the Friends
The 35th Annual General Meeting of the Friends of the Australian National Botanic Gardens was held on 19 October 2023 in the ANBG Theatrette. The meeting papers are available for download.

Interview with Dr Judy West AO
ABC's Gardening Australia recently interviewed Dr Judy West who spent over a decade leading the team at the Australian National Botanic Gardens. You can find the interview and related article HERE.