This month’s Library Connect (PDF, 1.55MB) has the usual listing of new books and a selection of books we hold on integrated pest management. The library is staffed Mon - Fri 9.30 - 4.30, but there are still restrictions on visitor numbers so please call 02 6250 9480 or email before visiting. Visitors are encouraged to wear masks when possible. The “click and collect” boxes in the Visitor Centre are still available for collecting and returning items.
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Library Connect, August 2022
This month’s Library Connect (PDF, 742KB) has the usual listing of new books and a note about the referencing software EndNote X9.3.3.
The library is staffed Mon - Fri 9.30 - 4.30, but there are still restrictions on visitor numbers and, as the COVID situation is always evolving, please call or email before visiting. Visitors are encouraged to wear masks when possible. If you’re not on site, Alex can be contacted by email, phone or Teams if you need assistance.
Proposed changes to our Constitution
Earlier this year, our 2015 Constitution was reviewed in light of changes to relevant legislation and current best practice. Proposed changes to the Constitution were set out in a discussion paper that was available on our website, and comments sought by 30 April. Thank you to those who provided comments. As only positive feedback was received, the proposed changes will be presented as a resolution to the October 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM) for approval. Any change to the Constitution must be agreed by at least a three-quarters majority of voting members present at the meeting.
Library Connect, July 2022
This month’s Library Connect (PDF, 921KB) has the usual listing of new books and a note about the OneSearch database.
Growing Friends’ Getting Ready for Spring Sale
Canberra gardeners will not have to wait until spring for the next Growing Friends plant sale. The next plant sale will be on August 27th, giving you time to prepare for the spring planting.
The most recent sale was in November 2019, nearly three years ago. However, the Growing Friends have not been idle : by the end of August, we will have a large number of plants ready for planting in early spring, as the ground starts to warm up. A complete list of plants available, and a description of each, is now available for download (PDF, 286KB).
AAFBG e-ucalypt issue 106, June 2022
View the latest issue of e-ucalypt, the email newsletter of the Australian Association of Friends of Botanic Gardens (AAFBG).
Library Connect, June 2022
This month’s Library Connect (PDF, 808 KB) has the usual listing of new books, and a reminder to return all completed field notebooks.
AAFBG e-ucalypt issue 105, May 2022
View the latest issue of e-ucalypt, the email newsletter of the Australian Association of Friends of Botanic Gardens (AAFBG).
Congratulations to Linda Beveridge, who was elected President of the AAFBG at the recent AAFBG Conference. Linda is well-known to Friends as our Vice-President and as the Convenor of the Friends of Black Mountain.
Library Connect, May 2022
This month’s Library Connect (PDF, 718 KB) has the usual listing of new books, plus a note about the publications of Professor David Lindenmayer, who is giving the Friends’ Thursday Lunchtime Talk on 26 May.
New books in the ANBG Library
The ANBG Library re-opened to visitors in April. The opening hours are Mon-Fri 9:30-4:30, but there are still restrictions on visitor numbers, so please call (02) 6250 9480 or email before visiting. Friends can still access library materials via the 'Click and Collect' service: please contact the Librarian to discuss your requirements. The Library Connect newsletter is now also being published again, as a new books bulletin for the time being. The three most recent issues, with a list of the new books covered, are available for download.